Returnal is the first Rogue-Like to genuinely maintain my interest and not burn me out instantly. The game-play is unforgiving and definitely should include a save system during a cycle, the lack of this save system makes the game incredibly tedious and hard to commit to when living with a life outside of the PS5. Visually, the game is not up to scratch in many areas, but it also has its moments. Is the game worth the €80? No. I'd say it is more of a €50 game to be honest. However, it is still a premium experience and one that highlights and utilises the PS5's controller and features perfectly.

my true initiation into a series that would dominate my gaming background until 2013. A story to remember, with personality beaming from every avenue, World at War was one of the most memorable and underrated COD games.

Despite the obvious negative connotations that came with Skyward Sword HD, I have to admit I was wrong. I fully expected this game to leave me feeling unfulfilled and robbed, and instead, I got one of the most beautiful, complete, and immersive gaming experiences I have ever had the pleasure of going through. Not supporting Nintendo's ridiculous practices is perfectly justified, however, for anybody sitting on the fence as to whether this game is worth the money, I can just say, take the leap of faith and you will not be disappointed.


Hades is a game that surprised me, as one of the best of the few rogue-like games I have played. The general combat and game-play create an addictive experience, with permanent upgrades ensuring that it never really feels up to performance, and that you will always be working towards being permanently better in the next escape attempt. However, a lack of impact in terms of the track means no area or moments in the game really made much of an impact to me. With that, often cringe-worthy voice-acting combined with a story that sort-of takes a back peddle to the general game-play, meant that I generally found it being a nuisance to be interrupted by dialogue and 'story'.

Despite these complaints, Hades was an enjoyable and addictive game, and one that is great value for the cheap price that it currently is on PS5.

Generally, Bioshock 2 was a good enough experience to finish, however it really failed to leave the lasting impression that the first game left upon me. This is largely down to the repeated visuals from the first game, with similar scenery and world. Characters are not as memorable as the first game, and the story feels somewhat pointless come the end. It is a traditional Bioshock experience, but that is its downfall, it fails to really innovate in any way from where the first game was so great.

Bioshock: Infinite is the game I have been looking for. After getting sick of the repeated surrounding of Rapture, Infinite takes a bold step in a new direction. It tries something completely different whilst still retaining many elements of the original game. Bioshock: Infinite is a rollercoaster, and a story-telling masterpiece, and truly one of the best and most exciting games I have ever had the joy of finishing.

The Last of Us Part II is far from perfect, but no game is ever perfect. It could have done so much to really cement it as an experience to remember for decades, but that does not detract from the many experiences and emotions felt when playing through and experiencing this title. I will always prefer the original game, due to Joel, but if I were to remove my nostalgia goggles and bias, I would say that this sequel blows the original title out of the water in almost every single aspect possible. It is a masterpiece and something that is hard to describe without experiencing it for yourself, yet I have still done my best to try and attempt to do that.

Ghost of Tsushima is one of the most ambitious and captivating open-world experiences a gamer can have. As a self-proclaimed disliker of the open-world genre, I can say that Ghost of Tsushima was a rare occasion that I am completely drawn into the world of an open-world game. Despite a few quality of life improvements, the game is almost flawless in everything it tries to do. It is a visual and technical marvel that everyone should experience as the PS4 draws its final breath.

There is not much to complain about when it comes to what can be regarded as three of the most popular and enjoyed games of all-time. If you are looking for hours of fun to take you away from the terrible world we live in today, then this collection is perfect. The price of €60 may seem hefty to many, but for me, Nintendo could have easily sold these three games separately and people would have still bought them, so I am glad that something that once seemed like a far-off rumour was able to exist physically in my hands.

Obviously, the collection would have been perfected if it had been remakes of the three games, rather than just upscaled ports, but sometimes in life not everything can be the ideal version of what you would want. I too would have adored remakes of these three games, but my want for remakes does not detract from my enjoyment of playing the originals.

In general, despite what many user reviews on sites like Metacritic may say, for my first time playing a Paper Mario game, I enjoyed myself, and although it wasn't the most riveting of experiences, I do not regret giving the game my time. It isn't the type of game to leave you jumping off your seat for years to come, but it is an experience I am glad I had and something I feel was an enjoyable time overall despite some glaring issues.

Overall, I would say Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the third highest quality product on the Switch, coming in just behind Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey. New Horizons has potential for thousands of hours of gameplay and years of longevity for people who are still on the fence about whether to get the game. The gameplay can seem repetitive and boring from the outside, but once it has reeled you in, there is no escape and suddenly your Animal Crossing island will feel like a second home. Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a stellar title, with no effort saved when it comes to the quality, abundance and detail that comes with the game.

There has not been a game that has given me this sense of calmness, joy and nostalgia despite being new to the experiences it offers in years. It is a game that can disconnect you from the harshness of reality. A genuinely pleasant experience for all.

Minecraft is a gaming great. The moments this game created for me will most likely never be matched, and of course that is childhood bias speaking. However, even playing it alone as an adult, I find myself still captivated, showing that not all of my judgement and love for this game is affected by my rose tinted glasses from my childhood. Minecraft is arguably the greatest game of all-time, and is certainly without doubt at the very least, one of the greatest.

Red & Blue birthed a juggernaut. Pokemon is what it is because of these games, with many of the elements in the modern Pokemon games being the same as Red & Blue or being only slightly tweaked, whether this is for the better or the worse is a different argument, however, it does show the influence and power Red & Blue has upon the circumstances and history of the franchise and its future titles. Despite this, it would be wrong to pretend Red & Blue's age isn't obviously shown, with the games being a product of their time in almost every capacity. Despite the slog that they are though, the fact that they were once innovative and unique will have to be taken into account when concluding their final rating.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is not a bad game, it is a good game, but it falls short in so many areas and just cries out for more time, more expanded and in-depth story and character building and just a fuller experience. I know it is a joke with Xbox fanboys to call this game a glorified DLC, but that is what it is, a glorified DLC.

Galaxy is an almost flawless game, however the Switch entry does provide a few major annoyances when it comes to the controls. Either-way, if you can look past the shortcomings in the controls on the Switch, Galaxy is still just as good as it was when it released over a decade ago.