Elden Yeast is getting put in the blender

Anyone who dislikes Agnea or Partitio missed the entire point of this game and should feel ashamed for the rest of their lives

People who dislike the story of this game simply cannot feel joy

This game somehow managed to take everything from the previous 6 games and just make all of it so much worse besides the music and graphics.

The story feels so halfassed and also like a stupid ripoff of what made Dusk great.

The best way to experience this game is to look up the OST on Youtube and stop there

"May you the beauty of this world, always shine."

Act 3 is like if someone took every single miserably bad part of the series and filled a 20 hour chapter with solely that

Would have probably been a great game if it wasn't rushed and undercooked as a replacement for the delayed Ys X leading to situations where they clearly didn't have enough time to write an actual reason for story beats to happen leading to just absolutely hilarious moments

Very fun and at times hardhitting sidestory to The Tsukihime Remake thats also a pretty fun fighting game on the side

Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the definition of the word perfect

This game does everything it could have done right it did right and went beyond that. From the opening cutscene to the last frame of the credits this game is just a constant emotional ride.

The story and cast of this game are the best i've seen in a game. There is so much to be said about both the story and characters but i know someone else will do that and they will do it better than me so i will not go into it.

The gameplay is one of the big standouts from 3 aswell. I was worried for some aspects of it prelaunch but after actually playing the game it turned out to be perfectly smooth in all ways it could have been.

The open world of this game is brilliant too with it basically always having something for you to find and mostly not feeling padded out at all. All the quests you can find around the world genuienly feel like they were made with care and passion unlike the very repetitive sidequests of the previous games in the series.

This game really felt like the game Takahashi always wanted to make and which is why i believe there's probably never going to be a game like this one

One of the weirdest games i've ever played. Has some of the most garbage content in anything in the form of the dungeons and some of the writing and to counterbalance that theres really fun and creative gameplay and some of the coolest character arcs i've seen in the character events. It very clearly suffers from about 40% of its content (being mostly really good) only being added in the remake. While the original games content has some highlights basically exclusively in the form of the character events which for the Go Home Club are basically all really good. Both the endings im not so sure on either

This game is very weird because while i would recommend people who like JRPGs to try it out (extra recommendation if you like Vocaloids since the games music is Vocaloid stuff and its amazing) but even then you need to suffer through the start of the game which mostly fucking sucks.

This is gonna be that very rare unrated game for me since i really cant form a cohesive opinion on it which can be seen from this review basically being rambling.

game so good it saved twitter.com

the truth must never end haha...

Fucking out of nowhere banger story with amazing music and mostly fun gameplay

Not a masterpiece or anything but just super fun

i strive to have a moment as glorious as that final fight with someone

Perfect start to a new arc in the series. Takes all the setup to it given across the previous games and uses it perfectly while expanding on the world and lore in exactly the way it should have

The new cast is genuinely already amazing from just a single game with Van and Aaron already being some of the best in the series for me. And this is even excluding all the care and love that clearly went into the returning characters who all got something from this game.

The plot of the game is also fucking amazing with it having some of the best twists in the series so far combined with some of the most hype and emotional moments too

Overall amazing game that showed that Trails is absolutely going in the right direction and I can't wait to see what the rest of the Calvard Arc has to show