370 Reviews liked by NeonGod

Esp: Este DLC es mejor que el de Halloween, conserva mejor la atmósfera del juego y es un poco más interesante de jugar, sin embargo, está muy lejos de tener la genialidad del juego original.

Eng: Esp: This DLC is better than Halloween, better preserves the atmosphere of the game and is a little more interesting to play, however, it is far from having the genius of the original game.

It's certainly a DLC... thats really the nicest thing i can say about it


This is the worst DLC I’ve ever played. They really slapped a blue filter on the game, added a bunch of repetitive combat encounters and called it a day. This DLC in a nutshell is basically: go from location to location fighting the same boring enemies, and sometimes use a sword on bigger, boring-er enemies. The supernatural stuff is a cool idea, and I like that it sorta gives Halloween vibes, but this is inherently a series of combat encounters stretched into a two-hour DLC. Fucking awful.

DLC's - Ranked
2012 - Ranked

"I fear not the man who has pressed 10,000 buttons once, but I fear the man who has pressed the B button 10,000 times."

A deeply unnerving masterpiece from Red Candle Games. The woozy 2D art style was somewhat reminiscent of the dodgy flash games you'd play online as a kid - truly creepy stuff. As with the notorious (and banned) follow up, Devotion, the nightmare logic of the story is all the better infused with provocative and political cultural references to its native country of Taiwan, in this case during the time of martial law in the 60s.
Rarely has a side-scrolling adventure transcended to such an important work of art.

Much of the early writing can be very difficult to stomach for a western audience, with an English dub that is even more questionable and FAR more abrasive than the one for FFX. The story does have a heart to it and despite what many might tell you it DOES follow up logically and intelligently on themes and character arcs from the first game. The villain's role in the plot feels hopelessly botched, but Yuna and Spira itself develop in ways that are both interesting and satisfying.

Gameplay is a mixed bag. This is the best implementation that ATB has ever had in 3D, but that isn't as high of a bar as you might think and whether or not that makes up for truly tedious scenario design is up to the player. If there's one recommendation I must make it's this: For the love of god, do not bother trying to do everything in the international versions. 100% completion in FFX is a pretty intense grind, but it's an interesting and satisfying one that I think is at least worth considering once in one's life. Trying to do everything in X-2 AND its Creature Creator (which feels like an entire other game in itself) is a living nightmare. I'm the kind of freak who enjoys going for platinum trophies in these games, and I even had a good time with FF9's infamously stupid trophies. In this one case I loudly declare that it is not worth it. It will only convince you to hate a game you used to like.

Love the combat. FFX felt like a step backwards for the series but this brings back ATB and job system in new areas. People talk about how tonally dissident this game is but it makes sense for Yuna's arc where FFX was her doing things because people told her to while X-2 is her becoming her own person and making her own choices. Too bad getting 100% is the worst it's ever been. I don't normally push myself to complete games but this game is largely centered around the idea of getting 100% to get the best ending but it's a real chore with tons of missable content. Also due to the amount of optional content it is very easy to be over leveled for this game making a lot of the strategies irellevent. I'd recommend playing the game normally, beat it, and then look up the best ending.

The game is a meme inself but has good mechanics

Seamos claros, si Final Fantasy X-2 tiene esta nota es por el sistema de trabajos y de combate increíbles que me encantaron en su día. Los personajes (algunos los mismos) cambían tanto que son irreconocibles, y la historia es bastante infumable.

I would have preferred if FFX didn't get a sequel. However we did. It's not the best or even the most necessary but there is some fun to be had. I do like the new character designs. The gameplay is actually really good and the highlight of the game. The dressphere job system has a lot of fun and depth to it. The game has it's moments to. As long as you don't try to 100% the game, there is some fun to be had. Even if you don't think it should exist. Hey it could be worse it could be the audio drama.

If you look beyond the sudden change in tone, direction, and writing, this game is a blast.

I recommend you play it when Final Fantasy X feels like a foggy distant memory so that the change isn't as shocking. Then, turn your brain off, pick this game up, and have fun!

One of the best combat systems in Final Fantasy.

I’m tough on this one because it holds a special place in my heart. I love seeing Spira from this perspective and interacting with it in so many new playful ways. It’s close to greatness, but it fails on a couple of counts. First, the active time battle system is a little too overwhelming. I’m rarely in the mood for such chaotic battles. Secondly, the game suffers from too much optional side content required for 100% completion. There is something happening in almost every location during every chapter, and so if you want to see it all, you’re going to be stuck not progressing for a while. The game clearly tries to steer you away from it but showing the player the ‘percentage complete’ all the time activates my completionist brain. I intend to go back and finish it, but it’s fallen down my list of priorities unfortunately.

Yuna is the main highlight of the whole game. The story is mostly flawed and had so much potential to be great but just misses the mark in key moments. Gameplay though is overall fun and light hearted.

Good battle system improvements over X, but over all let down in the story coming off the first game.

This game is fun, corny, cringy, and super pervy at times......but all in all it's one of those games u have to play for yourself to give an honest review 😉 and it does hold replay value.