4 reviews liked by NeonRunner



The predatory machinations of the warp have tested me time and time again. She will lie, she will cheat, and she will do everything in her power to stop you from slaying her. She will test you with each and every reflection of yourself, those both feared and adored. She may even get the best of you on multiple occasions, but remember- the emperor protects. Suffer not the witch to live. Slay the princess.

Tedious. The mapping system is one of the dumbest mechanics I've ever seen in a game.

A truly unique twist on the genre even within the current zeitgeist of the indie shooter. Being able to build your own weaponry and triple jump around like a lunatic is immensely satisfying. Sadly, the charm wears off before the campaign's closure, as death is a bit too punishing. That said, the fun that IS there is well worth the price of admission.