I wasn’t sure about this game when I first played it but once I was on episode three, I couldn’t stop! It was quite gripping. I really liked the relationship at the centre of this game and the ending really makes you consider everything. I think this game does a good job at building a real world, in turn this makes you want to explore it and understand what js happening in this town.

Possibly my favourite game ever, definitely my favourite person game. This story just has my heart, so poignant for me.

Definitely not for me. I thought it was going to be Persona meets Mystery Dungeons but no. The gameplay is just not what I enjoy which is disappointing. It’s like an old style JRPG but the combat is so much worse. It’s sluggish and boring.

It reminds me of Persona 1 in someways but so much worse. I actually enjoy persona 1 and think its combat is so much more snappy than this. It felt like a chore every time I got into a battle.