Definitely not for me. I thought it was going to be Persona meets Mystery Dungeons but no. The gameplay is just not what I enjoy which is disappointing. It’s like an old style JRPG but the combat is so much worse. It’s sluggish and boring.

It reminds me of Persona 1 in someways but so much worse. I actually enjoy persona 1 and think its combat is so much more snappy than this. It felt like a chore every time I got into a battle.

Possibly my favourite game ever, definitely my favourite person game. This story just has my heart, so poignant for me.

I wasn’t sure about this game when I first played it but once I was on episode three, I couldn’t stop! It was quite gripping. I really liked the relationship at the centre of this game and the ending really makes you consider everything. I think this game does a good job at building a real world, in turn this makes you want to explore it and understand what js happening in this town.

Soo good!! Polished to an inch of its life. Lots of content, maybe not on RE2R level but miles above RE3R.

The story is so much more cohesive and the tone is so much more grounded than the original. The horror vibe is turned up but it still has silly camp moments that have the charm of the original. I think they added and removed the perfect amount of things to make it feel very fresh.

Perfectly polished and fun. Lots of content. I love how celebratory Kirby games feel, they always include a small section talking about old Kirby games. It just shows how important this series is to the people who make it.

The mini games are super fun to play with friends and there is even content for single players regarding the mini games.

It looks gorgeous. Some of the backgrounds look like paintings. But unfortunately the end left me a little frustrated. The final boss is a pain in the arse if I am honest. So long winded.

The dungeons are nice to play though. They are pretty simple but I enjoyed them. The colours just really impress me. It looks gorgeous. The story is….there. It’s pretty plain.

Super short but still fun. All Wario games have at least enough charm to get by.

The amount of aliens kind make this game have a little bit more value. The gameplay however is super super simple and repetitive. The levels are just hallways and the enemies are pretty dull.

This was pretty rough. It’s an interesting idea but it’s so poorly made, it crashes, stutters, glitches, everything! It’s like no one play tested it!

Nostalgic but also not so it was so strange.

Short and sweet! It’s a great game and is polished with in an inch of its life. Everything is perfect. The controls and physics are all impeccable and show that the team really cared. Love this studio!

I don’t know why it didn’t click with me. It was just fine. The game play was fun? Maybe I guess. I only played to the second island because I didn’t want to play the exact same thing again. It was just really boring

I think this is the hardest thing Iv ever had to rate. The performance should make it a 0 but the fun that is buried under the metric ton of jank and just pure garbage, broken elements is so enjoyable that I have to rate it more. This is the future of the series. It needs so much more polish and time but this is what the series should be. It takes the old things and polished them and shaped them into a fresh style. Gyms are still gyms but they have small twists, they are not the life blood anymore.

The story is actually quite touching, following the pattern of the odd number gens. It is leaps and bounds over sword and shields story, in large part to the fact that unfortunately swsh didn’t actually have a story. But there is a heart to this game. I just really wish that it didn’t play like pure garbage.

My issues with performance:
•Crashing multiple times when trying to load gym challenges
•1-5 frames per second
•Battles loading incorrectly
•general overworld jank

My other small issue is the none existent postgame. Sure we get more story this time but a battle tower and some other things to do would have been welcome. It’s completely obvious why post game was emitted, DLC…I’ll save my opinions for when that releases.

It’s a short tie in game from 2004 so obviously it’s not going to be great but I think that the people who made it maybe had kids that were really into the series or something. There is a lot of little detail placed into the game, more than necessary for a quick buck tie in. I only wanted to play this again because I remember renting it from blockbuster as a kid haha.


This is such a stupid thing to say say but the people who made this obvious studied cats an insane amount. The moment is perfect. It feels amazing. The story is so short and sweet and the world is very interesting. Such a great backdrop for this cute little cat. The dark neon streets contrast it so well! I really enjoyed playing!

This game is very enjoyable. I love how alive the world feels and how much impact you can make on it. The quests are fun (Apart from the insane amount of 'kill XX monsters") quests.

The world is so big and beautiful. I love the freedom you have when exploring. There is so much to find and see.

My only issue was the difficult towards the end, but there is always casual mode. I also like the world of the bionis much more than the other world. That is completely just my own bias, because I like nature much more than machines worlds.

I'm excited to play the other games.