First Visual Novel i ever played. Was thinking i was going to be something dark and edgy (coming from 4chan). I was wrong. It was actually really sweet and wholesome (a little bit sad at time). Honestly give it a chance.

I don't quite get the dialogue in this.. But i like monster girls. :)

Story mode was pretty wild. John's a bit of a dick and going through a mid life crisis.

Hot girls, once again have problems too.

I've always wanted to give this game a shot but never found the time. Recently i had a few hours to spare and as soon as i booted the game up I was hooked.

Being a point and click game i won't say too much about the story (no spoilers here) but i loved all the characters, Manny is such a fun protagonist and i love his snarky little digs here and there.

My only "complaint" is some of the Puzzles are way too out there with the moon logic. You know going into a point and click theres going to be some warped logic to figure a puzzle, but i did find myself getting stumped a few times having to resort to a guide, just to put me back on track.

I feel like everyone should experience this game at least once, be that you play it or watch it being played with a friend. Its fantastic, the artstyle is nostalgic (love me those pre-rendered backgrounds) character designs on point.. Ok i'll stop gushing now. Just go play it.

I'll admit I was hooked into this game by the "Anime" trailer, where two hot girls (who have problems too), are discussing their school life when they suddenly hear gunshots. But its fine becuase the school shooter is a guy they know and flirt with to get stuff out of. What the f... did i just watch.

Hats of the the game being fully voice acted, and as dark and edgy as the topics are i did find myself chuckling at the game, and the delivery of their lines.

See you in hell <3

Doronko Wanko means Muddy Dog for those who were wondering.

Loved this little game, i wish there was just more of it since it was great fun to play through.

Spellforce is an RTS/RPG developed by” Phenomic Game development” and came out in 2003. My review is very much with rose tinted glasses as I do have a lot of nostalgia for it.

Spellforce brings me back to when me and my brother were young teens, our parents had bought us a “gaming pc” and a handful of games for it. We picked it up right away, fell in love with the fantasy world and began building our own settlements filled with humans, elves, orcs (and the many other races).

What blew our minds was the ability to scroll down into the game, giving you a third person perspective and manually taking control of the avatar. Allowing us to stroll through the little settlement we had built. This only continued throughout the game, as the levels were huge, the battles were fierce and we found ourselves wasting countless hours trying to kill every darn enemy/camp out there if possible.

When I was younger I didn’t really follow the story, I knew I was a rune warrior out to save the world and I just let my mind fill in the blanks. Coming back to this game as an adult and taking my time to engage with each character this time, I can safely say... I kinda get it now?.. Ok that's a lie I don’t really, and I still had to google what was going on at the end. But basically you are a rune warrior that's been summoned to defeat an evil circle mage, you need a phoenix stone to destroy him and prevent him going back in the past and messing everything up... That's a very vague explanation, there is way more to it, play the game.

As far as the game looks, I really enjoy the “old pc” graphics, there is still a lot of creativity with the characters and the settlements you can create, each designed around each race. The elves being my favorite with all their buildings fitting in with nature, very much giving me Rivendell vibes. Everything is very bright and colorful. (remember this for future reviews of games in the series)

The voice acting... Ok here's where it flops for most and kills all immersion. But again, growing up with many many games with dire voice acting I feel like I've developed some immunity to it and think it adds to the charm/humor.

My only real gripe about the game is at times it can feel a little bit slow. Mostly due to navigating when doing sidequests. There are “bindstones” that act as teleporters around the map. But in some cases I still had to wait a good few minutes just for my character to dash from one area to the next, just to pick up one item and then wander all the way back to where I came from. (You can get items to increase movement speed, so maybe that would have fixed it. My mage build did not allow me to equip such things).

I feel like I've talked enough about this now.. Maybe? I’m not a reviewer, I just like to waffle on about stuff I like. If you want to check the game out you can get “Spellforce: Platinum edition” on steam or GOG pretty cheap. This includes the base game AND the extra DLC, if you are looking for a new fantasy RTS/RPG to play. :)

Feels like a wonderful little love letter to Tove Janson. <3

I knew I was an adult when I could actually pay for my own runescape membership.

Everytime I pick up this game i'm like "Yes this will be it, i'm going to finish the game."... And that never happens.
I usually get about half way (getting the badges) and my motivation runs out.

Visually its really pretty, the Pokemon all look great, the characters are just like from the original show.

The thing that kills it for me is how they changed the "capture" mechanic, and made it like Pokemon GO. Before you would battle the creature down before attempting to capture it.
Now you throw berries and Pokeballs at it in the hopes to nab the creature.. Maybe its just me, but it sucks. If i want to play pokemon GO i'll play Pokemon GO.

I'd still recommend this to any Pokemon fan, but if you are a "GenWunner" and want a "decent" remake true to the original games, go play Fire red or Leaf Green.

A wholesome little management game.
Wonderful little game to unwind with after a busy day, the visuals are cute the gameplay is easy to pickup, and bonus you CAN pet the cats. (\ ( ^ w ^ ) /)

My "Main Goal" for this game was to reach Level 100.
Which took me 3 months to do so. Overall I enjoyed it at the beginning, helping out the cute animals and gathering things. However the longer I played the more 'tedious' the gameplay loop began.

You do have access to a lot of buildable items but given the nature of the mobile game market most of the "interesting" items are locked behind an ingame currency you have to pay real money for. Due to this I couldn't really be bothered with decorating my campsite and just made do with the seasonal items the game gave me.

I feel like if I didn't have that initial goal to reach level 100, I would have stopped playing a while ago... Still this game is fine for animal crossing fans, if you need a little pick me up. Just don't expect much in the long run.

Love the artstyle, hate the gameplay.

I have a lot of nostalgia for this game, I love the pre-rendered backgrounds and the funny little digimon models.