Theres a character called "Max the emo".
Whole plot is ripped off from Naruto.
Unbalanced gameplay, somehow I finished it.
12 hours of my life...

Adorable free-to-play RPG maker game.
Short & sweet.
Combat is ATB based. Multiple endings.
If you're a fan of spooky lil rpg maker games, would highly recommend.

Stardew valley's morbid cousin.

My husband begged me not to buy this but i did..

Made an account 19 years ago so i like to think i've seen most of what neo has had to offer. Watching the site become a husk of its former glory has been sad, still i find myself coming back to the site once a year for a couple of days.

Its almost unplayable nowdays with the death of flash. Most of the games are gone, pages are broken and games that are fixed run pretty poorly.

Before I would have said this is the weakest in the Dynasty warriors series, but after 9 came out i can safely say that dw6 isn't the problem child anymore.

The game itself is prettier than most of the games in the series, the character designs are vibrant , the music is fantastic, and the fighting animations are very fluid and satisfying... HOWEVER..

The renbu system exists. Taking the joy from its previous games chaining multiple combos together to slaughter... I mean knock out your foes, you are reduced to spamming the hell out of one button with occasionally pressing another to break the opponents guard. With a maxed renbu gauge your combo gets longer and yes the animation looks great, but chances are the enemy will be already blocking your fanciful combo causing you to break it with a tap or (gasp) even two of a heavy attack. And thus the chain repeats over and over again.

I can’t say I hate this game, nor did I ever really. But when it came out I knew it was the weakest in the series. Koei needs to learn that if it ain’t broke don’t fix it... But they didn’t and DW9 came out.. *sigh

Someone joined my party for having a paper cup. :)
This game is an experience. A very weird and wonderful experience. ^_^

I really like Mahjong Solitare.
The anime girls are just a bonus, you kinda forget they are there after a while. But the main game is still pretty fun.

This game is very cute, you basically make little platforms on a tree that you cultivate and grow. It can get very repetitive but if you're just looking for something light and easy to play defo pick this up.

Super cute, love how creative the character designs are!

Quirky little game, loved the artstyle and humor.

I've always wanted my own cult.
So having one with cute fluffy animals was a bonus.

The game is pretty fun, but the majority of the players are toxic and take it way too seriously.
My first match with people I got called every slur under the sun (I don't know why, I played Soraka a support had many assists and didn't die). So uhh... Yeah...

Lovely little fantasy farming game. :)