I once watched a stream of this game and now played it by myself and I gotta say: I dislike it.

I gotta say, I am not the biggest fan of the first game and I never got attached to Ellie and Joel. (they are very forgettable to me)

First the positive things:

The atmosphere is great. Spooky but not too spooky. The destroyed cities and other parts look absolutely beautiful. The graphcs and animations are amazing too, especially during the combat. The animations make the combat a lot of fun, melee is probably my favorite.

Now to the negatives: The whole story and pacing. NOTHING happens during the days and fact that you have to play as Abby and Ellie for 3 days is very annoying and it drags. Also the open world parts are way too long.
The story is the other problem. You are supposed to be attached to Ellie with the first game, they kill off a character in the beginning and you are supposed to feel something for Abby? Eh, not a fan of that. The ending is also very disappointing.

The conversation between Sandman and Spider-Man in SM3 is a better work about the cycle of violence and forgiveness than this whole game.


I wish this game was longer. It's a nice concept, a game about escapism. The different genre of games are very enjoyable and good in short bursts. Soundtrack is great. This game feels very unfinished though. Unfortunately that's all you can talk about.

The first half is quite boring, nothing happens besides them playing games everyday. (to introduce the cast more, i get that)
The second half is amazing and it gets very intriguing. The game made me feel uneasy from time to time. I am actually more excited for the next chapter.

How far would you go to protect your family?

The game has a karma system which makes the city either worse or better. Every action you do contributes to the karma and while doing that you also need to please and take care of your family. Do you kill someone to get money or do you just waste your time flipping burgers?

I enjoyed the game in the beginning but later on I realised that the game has a very weird quest progression. It forces you to do stuff in order to progress in the quests which you need for endings.

I got one of the bad endings, and I liked the "reveal" at the end of the game.

A very Intriguing plot with a lot of plot twists and routes. I was very invested and tried to figure out the mystery.
The characters are amazing, especially A-Set and Mizuki. Their routes/arcs made me very emotional and there is no character I dislike. Date made me laugh a lot, I just love him.
The puzzle parts of Aiba are a lot of fun and sometimes challenging. The whole idea behind when to use Timies etc is brilliant.
The voice acting is phenomenal, especially Mizuki's voice actress and during the final scene which made it very emotional.

Overall a great experience, the game holds a special place in my heart.

Another Bandai Namco anime game, another disappointment. The story is alright but the gameplay is just not great at all. The story is like 4 hours long and the online mode is dead. I did have fun for 2 hours though.

A cute zelda-like game with a lot of references to pop culture. The story is quite enjoyable and short. The boss fights are fun and so is the unlimited train mode. The soundtrack is very good, the credits song is a bop. ALL ABOUT TAX EVASION!!

Only played this to customize my profile on Steam lol

The best DLC for Borderlands 2. It's a lot of fun, the references are awesome, especially after playing D&D. Unfortunately the scaling is really tough, so the enemies are really hard from time to time.

Really like the two world scenes, it blends in very well. The story is confusing at first but later on it clears up. I like the atmosphere, especially during the hotel section. I wish it was a bit more than mostly walking. Thomas sections dope.

Royal is just a complete improvement of the base game and I definitely recommend it.

The new additions of Akechi, Kasumi and Maruki is a great choice and they fit in perfectly. All characters in this game (besides two of them) are very interesting and you can learn a lot from their social link. Unfortunately the game still doesn't fix the problem that I have with the cast: They do not really interact that much outside of the social links. Persona 4 (Golden) did it better but I still love the characters regardless.

The OG Persona 5 story was already great but Royal makes the story perfect. The new additional part at the end of the base game is so much fun and the new palace is probably the best one. The new bits in between the story fit in quite well and it's a nice flow. The pacing is just very good.

This game also has a lot of Quality of Life changes and they are so good. Guns are reloaded after fights and got overhauled in general? Grappling hook? Baton Pass level up? Way more night activities? All great changes and there are even more! They even did a big overhaul for Mementos and now it has way more to offer.

The new OST is also just on another level. Take Over is probably my favorite battle theme. All new songs from Royal are just over the top and make me quite emotional.

Overall I really really love this game and I recommend it to everyone, even if you already played Persona 5.

P.S.: date Takemi, it's the right choice. (I accept Kasumi too)

Never played the original, so I cannot compare it but I will say it's amazing game and I can see why people love Half-Life.

The story is simple but very good. A lot of lore bits are spread everywhere.
What I really have to praise is the atmosphere. Sometimes it's spooky, sometimes it's intense but then you have Xen. Xen blew me away. I love the whole vibe of this game.

The level design is top tier. There are secrets everywhere and every inch of the levels is used well. The soundtrack fits the atmosphere as well.


I honestly can't see the appeal of this MMO, it literally has no substance.

The story is totally forgettable and not good at all. The characters are your stereotypes and are just there for the sake of fetch quests. Oh yeah, the whole game is just a fetch quest cause you go from A to B in every area. The areas exist for the sole purpose of wasting your time and get exp by doing quests.

The only good aspect of this game is the combat but even the combat doesn't have any depth. You start at level 10, immediately choose your sub class and you unlock abilities over time. Unfortunately the abilities only do damage and have no other factors.

The main reason I play MMORPGs is the social factor. This game has no social factor at all. Guilds are the only thing that is social but they are just useless. It basically feels like a very cheap copy of Diablo and it's not even good.

Also in this game there are around 4 different outfits. If you want more, pay some real money. I think that's why I really dislike korean MMOs in general, Black Desert did the same.

All in all, it's a waste of time. Please just play a good MMORPG.

This is a quite decent stand-alone expansion. It adds new weapons, enemies and new characters. The small squad mechanic is fine but it doesn't play as good. Unfortunately the puzzling parts are missing. Final boss is disappointing.

A very short but good Suda game. Piloting Kamui is a lot of fun and the gameplay feels very smooth. The story falls very flat and there is no proper moment to relax. The final boss fight is awesome. The soundtrack is top. The art is made by Yusuke Kozaki and it's brilliant.

Man, I love Suda.