The game is actually a lot of fun. It's a musou but a bit different. The story follows the manga quite good, the side stories give the characters more personality. Unfortunately the game doesn't have licensed music.

The bonuses added with the DLC are alright. It does add scenarios but with not with your own character like in the story. The new gear is cool and the new mode is a lot of fun.

GOTY contender. The gameplay is the best out of the 2D Metroid games. The action scenes and boss fights are too damn good. Unfortunately the story falls quite flat. The EMMI are a great addition but overstay their welcome. MORPH BALL GO BRRRR.

This is supposed to be a good sonic game? The levels are so forgettable and so is the music. The wisps are a nice add-on. The ultimate version is buggy as hell. Honestly? I prefer Forces over this. Quality > Quantity.

I actually had fun with it. Yes, it's another Bandai Namco anime game. No, it is not good.

This game is completely for fans because you meet everyone's favorite characters. The roaming is fun and the enviroment is quite cool. Unfortunately the combat is quite barebones and could be way better. The game is short and the controls are janky.

... but I still enjoyed it for what it is.

Quite a good DLC actually. Suffers from World Seeker's general problems. The story of the DLC is quite good, the same goes to the cutscene. Playing as Zoro is a lot of fun, I give it that.

Monkey in a jar, I mean ball. A lot of fun, sometimes very frustrating. No level is really the same. Unfortunately the ball doesn't have any physics. The soundtrack is alright. KIRYU KAZUMA THE GOAT.

I played the game as a child, now I replayed it and I gotta say it has its charm. The cute artstyle combined with puzzles and an interesting story really does make this a good game. Some puzzles are a miss but when you have 120 puzzles, it's fine.

Suda has done it again. His creativity has no boundaries. It tops all previous No More Heroes games.

The game has such a great combat and it's a major improvement. It has a large variety of unique boss genres (horror, rpg etc), I really enjoyed it. All the references to previous games and the "Kill the Past" universe are amazing. I also really like the whole pop culture references, like Ultraman.
This game is basically the Endgame. Your favorite characters of the prequels appear and you are just happy to see them.
The OST is also great again, there is not a single miss. ITADAKIMASU!! You can hear the N.M.H theme as a leitmotif from time to time.

This game also describes Suda's journey as a developer, it's a game of art.

No More Heroes 3 is my Game of the Year.

Tried to like it cause of metal but it ain't that much fun. Probably tired of pixel 2D platformer.

I was skeptical at first but goddamn, this game is a surprise. A very linear single player game with some RPG elements. Unfortunately I had a lot of glitches.
The characters are more like the comic cast which is great. Seeing other known characters but also original characters is amazing. The comedy is top tier, it never misses.

The combat is slow at first but once you unlock more abilities, it becomes a lot of fun. I'm actually glad we can only play as Star-Lord.
The soundtrack is of course perfect as we know it from the Guardians of the Galaxy. NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP.

Brilliant Diamond is a faithful remake but it made me realize that Platinum is the way better version.

I really like the artstyle and the QoL additions BUT there are a lot of downsides too. The exp share that is always on ruins the fights a lot, the music doesn't sound great and the Poketch is so weird in the switch version.

Diamond's pacing is not good unfortunately and a lot of pokemon are hidden in the underground, the new underground itself is great though. Team Galatic still is one of my favorite teams.

Overall this is a great game but I just don't get why they didn't remake Platinum.

Short indie game that you can finish in like 20-30 minutes.
The gameplay is easy to understand and fun for a bit, so I'm glad it's short. Kill and clean, not much to do. Some bugs ruins the flow cause you might get stuck on objects.

it feels so bloated and the puzzle mechanics get very repetitive.

A perfect ending to the long journey. I didn't expect this to surpass Shadowbringers but it did. My favourite areas and my favourite music. The character arcs are finished and they are top tier. Thank you, Square Enix.