galaxy 2 is way better than galaxy 1 when u ain't got a bitch in ya ear telling you that it isnt.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2022


2 years ago

i agree with nightblade, this should've been a funny mario game

2 years ago

if you have a guy that enjoys eating gravel, and he says "I don't like lasagna", of course you're gonna say "okay gravel eater"

it's kinda like that but with persona 5 fans. and don't take that tone with me; you're the one who chose to like p5

2 years ago

i don't give 2 shits about mario or 3D platformers but i love how people are giving mudkipz shit when he isn't the one who showed up in a review page just to deliver a driveby saying 3D platformers suck

2 years ago

@C_F but that’s not the problem, it’s the execution of it. instead of just saying “then why did you comment here” he used the most overused insult in all of backloggd.

2 years ago

good review

2 years ago

Persona 5 is shit. Galaxy 2 is based
mudkips literally posts that about anyone with P5 on their favorites, it's a meme pretty much regardless of your opinion and it's kind of hilarious tbh. Simple way to avoid it is not put P5 on your favorites!

2 years ago

wait you guys actually find that funny? I thought it was a joke. It’s funny, but for all the wrong reasons

2 years ago

also, although this person chose to like it, for some people it isn’t really a choice. maybe it helped them deal with a bad part of their life. you get the idea
galaxy 2 has yoshi
persona 5 does not have yoshi
i think we have a clear winner here

2 years ago

true compost

2 years ago

yup galaxy 2 keeps winning
i think the man is insecure about his own opinons ngl. its not funny and i hate how im berated for liking something and not liking something else . not everything is for everybody. i like p5. i dont like 3d platformers. somehow thats an issue? sure im quite abrasive about it but thats all an act. @cf a driveby is the perfect description trololololololololol

@reyn no u suck galaxy poo poo
shouldn't have butt in about a game you've never played, wouldn't have gotten hate then
if i dont like odyssey too much i probably wont like this one too much would i

inb4 old game elitists telling me odyssey sucks or something

cant a man just dislike a genre
odyssey is great but this is better
you can dislike whatever but when you go out of your way to comment on a random review to say how much you dislike it then you should expect to get blasted for it

persona 5 fans i swear to god

2 years ago

"inb4 old game elitists telling me odyssey sucks or something"

pretty toxic mindset ngl you need to understand newer games are not always better. You're not an elitist for saying the truth.
@compost then mudkipz should also expect to get blasted for it, shouldnt they?

@jarhead new games are not always better i agree. theres a reason my entire backlog is devoid almost entirely of new AAA releases. but old games are not sunshine and rainbows either. in fact, 75 % of new and old games suck. you just got to find the good ones that align with your taste. and from what ive seen, most people adore odyssey so this truth is only according to your personal taste(which is fine), but can it be called a truth, then? ¯\(ツ)

2 years ago

most people adore every 3d mario but sunshine so that doesn't really matter.
great non-answer ¯\(ツ)
agender happened 😔
theres too much lore at this point, mid

2 years ago

anyway y’all play league of legends

2 years ago

@Midrulean hasn’t happened yet

2 years ago

adhdagenda the type of mf to walk into mcdonalds, yell "I hate fast food" and then get defensive when people call them out on it

2 years ago

@Midrulean that's what I'm saying bro lmao