Days Gone 2019

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 7, 2021

Platforms Played


The Last Walking Sons of Dead Anarchy

You've played this a million times before. A middling Sony first-party third-person feelings shooter. So much of it feels very abrupt. Cutscenes with a real start/stop vibe to them. Radio calls that are obviously meant to have large gaps of time between them just triggering one after the other. It's jarring.

The story is aboot as deep as a puddle. You can see every beat coming a mile away, and the writing is dodgy to the point where plenty of interactions don't make a lot of sense. It's just very by the numbers and boring.

Even the enemies become tedious after a short while. More of an annoyance to progress than anything scary or exciting. I'm sick of hiding in fuckin' bushes.

I inflicted this game on myself for 60 hours. At least it was free.