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March 11, 2021

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I still don't really get the chat about this being short. Maybe people want everything to be 60 hours these days, but it was just a nice length for me.

As fun as it is, much of it feels like just a half-step up from the last game. Which makes sense of all the "It's basically DLC" patter, as disingenuous as it was. Now it's been a good two and a half years since I played the last one, so maybe I'm misremembering, but combat and traversal felt pretty much exactly the same. That's not a bad thing, mind you.

Miles is the stand out for me. Such a good dude, still hurting, still wanting to keep his city safe. Struggling with inadequacy and doubt over not being "The Real Spider-Man".

The plot however is just fine. It's not terrible or anything, but Spider-Man in general seems to have that recurring thing of "The masked baddie is actually someone very close to you" and ye can see it comin' a mile off every time. And of course they'll come to their senses late enough to sacrifice themselves because they've done far too much bad shit for even the best writers to wring a redemption out of it.

Overall though it's a decent time. Still a bit too much of the auld "Gather these things scattered across the city to be drip-fed lore" but hey, dat's videogames baby!