January, 2024


Decided to just run around the map a bit and collect some things. Got a few fireflies and some extra heart containers. Also, opened up some shortcuts to make travel a little shorter. Only just a little, though.

Went to the dance parlor to get a nice chunk of change too. Gonna buy up one of each item just so I have something in a pinch (or, if it's necessary to use for traversal).

Oh, and I learned the Spider Transformation can climb background walls, not just webs. Specifically walls that are part of platforms in some way.


Entered the Golem Labyrinth. Interesting idea for a dungeon puzzle, utilizing sky blue and pink as polarity colors, changing enemy behavior depending on what color you are. Also, the map layout as a nifty trick. A single shaft with multiple branches going right and left, with some branches connected to each other above and below. And gained the next transformation: Elephant.

Also, cornering enemies before they attack and repeatedly whipping them is surprisingly fun.

Oh, and I ended up finding a soft lock bug, but thankfully it was very early in my dungeon exploration (endlessly default dancing near a blue polarity fountain). Gonna have to be careful with progress saving while playing further.