January, 2024


Decided to just run around the map a bit and collect some things. Got a few fireflies and some extra heart containers. Also, opened up some shortcuts to make travel a little shorter. Only just a little, though.

Went to the dance parlor to get a nice chunk of change too. Gonna buy up one of each item just so I have something in a pinch (or, if it's necessary to use for traversal).

Oh, and I learned the Spider Transformation can climb background walls, not just webs. Specifically walls that are part of platforms in some way.


Completed the Crackle Mound and obtained the Spider Transformation and the Simmer Stone. Didn't figure I'd be doing physics puzzles in a 2D GBC game, lol. Off to the final stone!

Also, I'm beginning to think Risky's show of force in the beginning of the game was to mask how incompetent she actually is. Dangerous, still, but very incompetent.