I remember how I dominated matches with the Medic. I was the Harmacist.


A very scary game, set in London. Actual survival, and skills are needed to survive, without going run n' gun.

While the game is a bit short, and the challenges are impossible, I still love it. The web swinging, the combat, the graphics of Manhattan, the missions, and variety surprised me.

Surprisingly, I like this game more than Uncharted 3. The first adventure of Nathan Drake, is a great one. Leading to the best game - Uncharted 2. While the game is not perfect, it's still a great game, and I recommend it to everybody.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves? More like Uncharted 2: Among the Greatest Games of All Time.

Black Ops is a perfect game. Perfect campaign, multiplayer, and especially Zombies. There's Nuketown, Jungle, Summit and other great maps in the multiplayer. And the Zombies, is the best thing to exist. First, it's even a bigger improvement to WaW. Second, the maps were the greatest. Kino Der Toten, Five, Dead Ops Arcade, Ascension, Moon were all great maps. It's the Call of Duty dream for everybody.

Even though the multiplayer is still fun, the rest of the modes aren't. The campaign was losing the moments, that were in the previous installments. The graphics are even worse than in Modern Warfare 2, mostly due to the grey and brown colors of the maps. Survival, while a great addition, didn't live up to the expectations. The multiplayer is just MW2, if it had more DLC, and boom! Here's MW3.

Just finished this great game. The atmosphere of a first-person game, the shooting, the characters were all great. Though, I didn't really like the second half, it was kinda boring. But I still recommend Resident Evil 7 to everyone.

Still excited for Beyond Light when it will come out. Destiny 2 is a great game, especially for FPS fans.

Not as good as The Dark Descent, but still worthy.

One of the best shooters I've ever played. If you didn't play it, you are missing out. Great, smooth as butter controls and mechanics, satisfying combat, an actual good story. With all of that, you just want to replay it over and over, on various difficulties, use certain weapons, and play multiplayer, lots of it. Play it right now!

The first time the Zombies mode came out, and I was scared of even playing. Thank you so much World at War, for introducing me to a great franchise.

An enjoyable Far Cry game since the third game.

Why do I have to pay 30 dollars for a demo?