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NovaNiles commented on Dunebot72's review of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Based review. Rondo of Blood rules and it has my favorite soundtrack out of all the classic Castlevanias. This games version of Bloody Tears kills, its so fkn good.

10 hrs ago

NovaNiles commented on MicrosoftWord03's review of Final Fantasy VI
The way you described the characters was perfect. Your review was a great read and makes me want to revisit FF6 again. Loved everything about this.

10 hrs ago

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14 hrs ago

NovaNiles commented on KatietheSqurge's review of Nightmare Kart
@KatietheSqurge Hmmm the fact that they dont tell you your objective is partialy true. but they still tell you what to do to some extend and give vague directions. It sounds more daunting then it is. Also there is no shame in looking up a guide, we all do it and the Souls community did take off because everyone bonded together on the internet in the first place. So its almost a part of the game in a way. You should give them a try sometime maybe even with some friends in a call to help out.

15 hrs ago

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