5 Reviews liked by NinjaOcre

there is no reason for dishonored 2 to have a voice cast this stacked. rosario dawson? vincent d'onofrio?? ROBIN LORD TAYLOR??????? FUCKING PEDRO PASCAL????????????????????? WHY.

this game absolutely rocks. the main story isn't fantastic but literally everything else is better than dishonored 1. karnaca is gorgeous in a way dunwall could never be. it leans really hard into the steampunk nonsense. i went so insane playing this game that i save scummed my way into a full stealth/nonlethal run without checking to make sure i didn't get detected on the first level. i may be stupid but this game is not

If you got this from the definitive edition or pre-order; Neat!
If you decided to pay for this separatedly.... why would you

not really my jam. i was hoping this would convince me to get into battle royale games but it really just feels like titanfall but worse. go play titanfall 2 instead

This game could've been great! The gameplay that is there is awesome and really in depth. I would've enjoyed a longer single player experience and less focus on multiplayer as unfortunately this game couldn't keep hold of a large player base for multiplayer.

can't get into this one. i keep trying, but i feel like i'm bashing my head against a wall with all this busy work that the game throws you. the flaws in catalyst run deep. there was simply no good reason for mirror's edge to be a ubisoft-style open world game. the random tasks they assign you are so paper-thin with the dialogue and world-building that i'd actually prefer if the npc just said "fuck you. i'll give you 30xp just to run this to the marked location in under 2 minutes." when you're not playing doordash simulator, the game is kinda neat. the map still looks really good, there's better voice acting, and the music goes hard. they added a skill tree for no reason, since you unlock all the movement stuff basically right away. feels like several very different versions of the game collided somewhere in development and never quite stirred themselves together properly. oh, i guess there's a story also. so forgettable that i was already forgetting it while i was playing it. just play the first one again