The only good nes platformer

despite the language barrier this was still very much worth playing. peak ps3 vibes.

Great vibes but how the hell did anyone get thru this without rewind tho

for some reason i received this game a couple days before it actually released. which might as well, cuz it was made for me.

we are living in a skung licensed game renaissance and im here for it.

great little adventure game that was clearly made with passion for the source material. its v faithful to the book, expands to it in neat ways, and is packed with many cute lil references to the series.

and sure, its buggy, to the point where the game just sorta stops dead in its tracks sometimes due to something being busted, but that was usually fixed with just quitting to the menu and reloading. i dont really mind it, and im sure most issues will be fixed in time.

they should maybe have fixed tintins dead eyed stare tho, lmao.

note: i played in french with dutch subs for the true canon experience.

tintin : ) GOTY 2023

also, blue lotus game when???

This review is brought to you by the GLENN GANG.

sadly, i did not finish ever crisis. not that you can really finish the game in the first place atm, cuz you know, episodic. But i was planning to at least finish all the story the game currently has.

Got most of the way there, but yeah nah. The game is just

So, you need to be 40.000 power level for the next story mission.
First, lets do some xp grinding missions to grind levels.
Wanna upgrade ur stats? Sure, lets do another type of grinding mission to get materials to upgrade those.
Oh, you should level up ur weapon. heres another type of grind quest for materials.
whoops, weapon hit the level cap. here u can uncap it with materials from ANOTHER type of quests.

I havent even mentioned the materia upgrade materials, mostly cuz i ignored those.

Now, if you get bored by the combat, which i wouldnt blame you, you can just put on auto battle and make the game play itself with more skill then a human ever could. U can just put ur phone down, do the dishes, maybe check phone to activate a limit break or 2, and ur grinding is done for you!
....which begs the question what you are doing this for in the first place.

I never really played a gacha before, and uh, yeah, i dont think i will in the future, lol

Game is cute! its a neat lil (very) abridged recreation of the start of ff7 and crisis core, and i think the idea of putting the entire compilation into 1 game is cool! The models are cute, backgrounds are cozy, and the character portraits look great.

and also theres the FIRST SOLDIER story, a story that, unlike the title suggests, wasnt actually in the game the first soldier (rip), but actually is entirely new. It stars glenn, who is like jack from stranger of paradise if jack was more like zack, and his lil gang of shinra soldiers. Also heavily features the backstory of sephiroth, tho i havent gotten to that part yet.

Its defo the beefiest part of the game rn, but sadly, i think i will have to experience it by watching the cutscenes on youtube.

maybe one day when the games finished they will port over the game to consoles and take out the grind. prolly not, but who knows?

I wouldnt have minded this game just being a mediocre lil action game but it did the thing where it seems they realized the game would be 2 hours long so they extended it by constantly forcing you to replay levels for collectibles to unlock the next one. That already sucked when sonic unleashed did it, except that game was good.

I was hoping for a weird lil skung adventure but it was mostly just kinda dull so i quit a third of the way in.

play the ps360 deathly hallows third person shooters instead, those are funny

Rons inexplicable obsession with beans was good tho

Story sorta shits itself on the foot by being dumbly and agressively centrist which coupled with default fantasy tropes is not a very good combination. the bioshock infinite of harry potter games, if you will.

Otherwise i quite enjoyed it, exploring the castle is v fun

Note: This is Robin Hood: the siege 2, the first game is actually on ps1 but that one seems to not actually be on backloggd.

My local game store was having a sale on ps2 games, so i just randomly picked this up. After coming home, I noticed two things:
1. The game case was covered in spaghetti sauce;
2. It was published by dutch legend Phoenix Games.

as far as gameplay goes, its a very arcadey shooting gallery. You watch goons pass by and shoot them with bow.
This was fun for 20 minutes until i died, and as it turns out, the autosave feature u were asked to turn on at the beginning, only exists to record ur high scores. Otherwise, nope, the game boots u back to the 'new game' screen every time you die.

Is it good? uh, not really.
Is it a money laundering scheme? well, probably.
Does it have a fucking wild soundtrack? yes.
(it wasnt easily findable on the internet so i ripped it myself)

I was having a lot of fun but then the final level was very long and hard and i went game over losing 30 minutes of progress. Games should just not have limited lives tbh.

Also i wasnt really a fan of the forced sun/moon medal collecting.

Fun game otherwise though, great vibes.

Both the best and worst version of rayman 2, as far as i'm concerned. Expands on the original game in fun ways but it's kinda overly ambitious and the new and old elements feel a bit ducttaped together.

Performance is all over the place and the game is a bit of a janky mess. It's a janky mess with a heart and soul though. Good adventure vibes can handle a little skung once in a while.

its big i'm chronically 2 expansions behind