One of the worst games i ever played

One of the greatest masterpieces to have ever been created.

This game really shows just how far one can go if they put their mind too something. The rat, or how we like to call him Dongo, defies all expectations of reality and goes above and beyond to achieve him greatest dreams and saving his people from harm. He managed to slay wasps and cockroaches to reach his way to the evil cat that was terrorizing the factory for far too long, but today, the great hero we call Dongo has saved all rodent kind from the evil clutches of the at. And maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday, i think, no i KNOW that Dongo will get the recognition he deserves as the bringer of peace among his people. And until that day, Dongo shall, and will be hailed as a hero in my heart

For a game that's about healing anxiety, the voice acting alone gives me depression

The grand sweaty dump i had was more enjoyable

Very nostalgic, but that's honestly all the game has going for it. The game is very easy and doesn't have any levels that stood out


I stopped playing Lego star wars for this, and i have no regrets, best game of all time 1/10

As a completionist, getting all the badges is actually hell

Upon beating the game and starting hard mode, i figured out that when you get game over, if you hold the A button then press start, you restart from the first level in the world you died in.... The game is a lot easier with this feature

Probably one of the most honorable games I've played, full of lots of fun jokes, and a completion that doesn't just feel like an artificial game lengthener.

$80 for a game that runs on the same quality as a toaster

Wander around until you get bitten by a random raddle snake and die

I've watched a total of 3 animes, and every song that showed up sounded the exact same