Out of all the three new modes introduced in Chapter 5, Fortnite Festival is easily the best, as a fan of the Guitar Hero and Rock Band games. The gameplay is almost identical to Rock Band, but tweaked for playing on a keyboard, which I think is a benefit. Guitar controller support is supposed to be coming soon from what I heard. The song selections are also great, with a wide variety of genres. And even a few original songs are in there too. The drawback though is that they're all on rotation, but can be purchased permanently in the item shop for relatively cheap, and if one person owns it, everyone can play it, which is much better than how DLC songs were handled in Rock Band 4.

Although I think my biggest disappointment in Festival is the lack of motion capture, which really gave the GH/RB games a lot of it's charm (and hilarity with mods). This may have been done to save space which is respectable, but it's such a huge missed opportunity. Regardless of that, it's still a pretty good mode, even if imo it's not as good as the GH/RB games.

I can't play what is arguably one of Epic's best games. I own the game physically but I can't install it in full because I am missing the last disc. Even though I could've used the CD Key on the Epic Games Store to get it there, Epic pulled all the Unreal games from the face of the Internet.

Fuck you Epic Games.

Rocket Racing in my opinion is the weakest of the three new games included in Fortnite. It's not bad or anything, it just doesn't have much going for it. The gameplay loop is very simple as it's a 2-3 lap race where you collect boost through drifting and jumping on walls. The flying and wall-clinging mechanics are neat and all, but it really doesn't scratch my itch. And the tracks themselves mostly look the same too, and there is only one music track that plays throughout every race. It gets boring pretty fast and I doubt there's many people playing it right now.

To be honest Rocket Racing should've been a side mode to Rocket Leauge instead of Fortnite. Especially since most Fortnite content isn't even usable here. Dare I say this, but the taxi racing in Yakuza 5 is more interesting than this.

Don't get me started on the 4,000 V-Buck car (It's 2,500 now.)

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1 in my honest opinion, is a downgrade from what I just played at the end of Chapter 4. The sudden change of almost everything, including stuff outside of BR has left me with many mixed thoughts.

The gunplay has been completely changed in a way that totally throws me off. The small set of new weapons lack any sort of variety, with only 3 ARs, 2 SMGs, 2 Shotguns, 1 Pistol*, 1 Sniper, and 1 Melee. But all of them are able to equip mods and spawn with random sets of mods, which don't help with the variety in the slightest and instead make every gun I pick up feel awkward to use once I engage. The real elephant in the room is that all firearms are now projectiles with bullet drop, and all have increased damage, making some weapons capable of melting health bars if used right.

Weapon balance is all over the place too. The Hyper SMG in particular is easily the worst gun in the game with it's high recoil and low damage, while the Striker AR is easily the best gun in the game with the proper attachments. Then there's the Reaper Sniper... Not only is it the only sniper currently available, it can have 3-5 shots per mag, use any optic that has no glare, and is capable of one-shotting anyone regardless of rarity, health, or any amount of shields. Oh yeah and the Ballistic Shield is there. Was pretty strong at first, but still is extremely annoying to deal with.

Map design is also another thing I'm not really a fan off. I genuinely like the design & theming of everything, but the terrain does not play nice. It's extremely mountainous, having tons of high and low spots with very little mobility tools (as of the current update). And the results of firefights now depend on not just who has the better loot, but also who has the high ground.

Outside of BR, the new UI sucks ass. And I think this is universally agreed upon. The charm from the last major update is gone and looks real bland. My guess is because of the three new games added into Fortnite, but it never had to be like that.

I still think this new Fortnite Chapter has a lot of good going for it though, and it is still perfectly playable. Contrary to what people have said about the new movement, I actually like it. It feels a bit more snappier and responsive than before. And the ability to move while healing is a much appreciated addition, even if it makes the Medi-Mist mostly irrelevant now. The new outfits are also real cool too, and the inclusion of Snake, Raiden, and Peter Griffin were definitely the most shocking additions too, and of course the three new games that were added.

Fortnite Season OG was probably the most fun I've had with this game, coming back with friends near the end of Chapter 4 Season 4. Bringing back most the content from the days of Chapter 1 (and me getting an actual good pc) got me back into the groove of the game and has now got me playing on a regular basis.

It's still far from perfect. The map itself was very much not designed for Zero Build, and it really shows with how open the map can be. Even though zip-lines were put in certain areas, they really aren't all too helpful. Explosives were also pretty useless in Zero Build too.

Probably the best Fortnite has been since I played.

Christ what the fuck did they do to this game?

Pac-Man World 2 is a platformer that is difficult at an unnecessary level. Even though Pac-Man controls real nice and is pretty tight, the camera & camera controls suck, questionable level design that heavily relies on bottomless/death pits (which is every level excluding the underwater & final boss stages), awful completionist design, and an absurd difficulty spike at the 4th world. I don't get why people praise this title either.

Without the insane difficulty and better level design I bet this would have been a much better game. Hopefully it ends up getting a remake treatment like the first game did.

So... Yakuza 3. Arguably one of the weakest entries in the main series. And if I'm going to be honest here, I kinda agree. I found the early game to be an absolute slog. The combat, while much closer to the PS2 games and didn't take too long to get used to, doesn't really feel too right. Oh yeah and the blocking and abysmal weapon damage, especially towards bosses. However around 2/3rd of the way through, I found the game to be quite a bit more tolerable and even enjoyable once you're mostly upgraded. The story of the other hand is pretty good and insane, as per usual with the series. Probably one of the better ones once the game begins to pick up.

Idk I didn't really feel this one. This was the game that made me take a full month hiatus from the series. It's not a bad game, but I feel like it should've gotten the Kiwami treatment instead of a remaster. It feels outdated.

Nearly brain-blasted my old Windows 98 PC. But in all seriousness, it's a dogshit game with dogshit controls, and runs terribly on NVIDIA hardware at the time. I bought this game out of a flea market out of sheer curiosity because of this specific scene.

The Quake II remaster is fantastic. Not only is the original game there with enhanced graphics and AI, there's also the expansion packs, with a brand new one added on top of it, levels from Quake II 64 ported over, cross-play multiplayer, and a massive vault that showcases unused development assets that have been restored. You even get the original game files too so you can run it on an older machine. This has way too much love put into it, and you should absolutely give it a shot.

Gonna be honest, I was pretty close to disliking this game at first. Mainly due to how used I was to the combat in 0 and Kiwami 1, as well as playing them back-to-back, But once I gotten used to it it's a really fine experience. Although it kinda starts off rather weak, it really picks up about a third of the way through. I am not a fan of the upgrade system though, and the game also completely breaks wide open with weapons and a certain damage-increasing drink. This is on normal difficulty.

The Majima Saga on the other hand is a short but sweet addition that explains the events before the main game, but it didn't really need to be included. But I'm biased because Majima.

Coming back to this after a while, It's still really fun. But to be honest, I feel as if the online portion has dwindled quite a lot. 90% of public servers are completely barren, and the ones that do have people are some of the most newbie-unfriendly servers that have the need to include the most complex gameplay-altering mods on top of nearly a gigabyte's worth of maps, characters, and a load of other bloat with also the potential to have some of the worst ping imaginable.

If you wanna have a good time, I strongly recommend hosting your own server tuned to your own preferences, as well as inviting your friends to play. Setting up a server can be complicated but it's worth it.

And yes, I dislike the Acrobatics mod. It creates a very high skill floor and I will die on that hill.

If there was a game about dopamine, this would be it. Probably one of the most satisfying games I've ever played. Combined with the super-tight gameplay, catchy as hell rave music, and trippy visuals, It's one of the best games I've played. Probably ever. An absolute must-have if you haven't played it yet.

Only had fun with this with friends (believe it or not). I like the art design and really like the main game-mechanic. Despite that and the game being relatively new, it just really lacks in content in which honestly I feel should've had more on release. The map count is tiny, and there's very noticeable balancing issues. The online multiplayer leaves a lot to be desired, but for what reason there needed to be skill-based matchmaking? I never dabbled with it since I only ever played with friends, but I heard it's not good and apparently lacks anticheat. And even if I avoided playing with strangers, the game's netcode is awful. I lost count of how many times I got shot despite seeming like I just escaped last-second. And even if I played with bots, there's still a lot of bugs, including a game crash that messed up my monitor. How? I don't know. Double negative in that if a single player disconnects in a 2v2, everyone is booted out of the match.

This game has a lot of potential. I wanna see more out of it but there's just too many glaring problems right now for me to consider playing it again. It's also the reason why I have a very low play time, only 30 minutes.

Also I bought this game because of my ex told me to, only for him to ditch the game immediately after noticing the flaws, leaving me with a game I just wasted $10 on with no way to refund it.

Not as good compared to 0, but still one hell of a ride. It is a remake after all. Majima Everywhere is really funny at first, but starts to gets annoying imo if you haven't gotten enough upgrades.

R1 + Triangle