85 reviews liked by NotSolidSnake

Just as bad as the first one if not worse.

amazing game i love it, might be a new all time favourite after new content drops

If you played the first one you’re cool. Now stop before making another mistake

This game is carried by Tanks, but most of the games are really nice and simple fun. Plus I got this for 1 dollar. Seriously though play Tanks

low 7/10

Cow should have his own game

This game gets 4 stars for one reason and one reason only - Tanks. Like many people, I bought this for the extra controller and hey cute little game why not. I was not expecting the tanks game to consume my life the way it did. My best friend and I were obsessed. The best I ever did was 2 days after I got my wisdom teeth taken out, I was hopped on on Vicodin and in some drugged-up zen state where I sat on the couch and just flew through the game I never reached that far again.

I hadn't expected Receiver of all things to get a sequel, but honestly, I'm glad it did. Everything from the first game was polished, iterated and expanded upon to where I'd argue it's reached full potential.

As a firearm simulator, it's deeply engaging to learn how every gun operates and commit its intricacies to muscle memory. As a stealth game, it's unbelievably tense and immersive, but I'm also extremely jumpy by nature so your mileage may vary.

As a narrative about mental illness and mindfulness, I understand it's quite divisive. I've been diagnosed with clinical depression and autism for almost 20 years, with signs that I might also have ADHD. I've struggled and suffered and continue to do so. How Receiver 2 handles this topic, how it uses its narrative and gameplay to explicitly and implicitly talk about mental illness was very poignant to me for reasons I could talk on and on and on about for an hour or two. Rather than spend half an hour writing an absurd wall of text, I'll simply put it like this: For a game about guns, Receiver 2 is deeply empathetic and encourages coping mechanisms, safety, and social awareness in ways not a lot of media dealing with these topics does.

I'm gonna be thinking about and revisiting Receiver 2 for a while.

The best and most realistic weapons simulation in any game EVER. The voice actor does an amazing job with the script he's been given. This game is challenging to the MAX, and it is a very fun kind of challenge don't get me wrong. The lore is amazing and is absolutely limitless, The Compound is fun to dick around in and complete challenges and puzzles.