Blatant case of false advertising -- compare E3 footage to release.

Romanticizes mental illness and presents a fatalistic view where nothing can be done about it. The 'meta horror' elements come off as trying too hard. Both the meta elements and the theme of mental illness ultimately say nothing and just seem to be in the game for shock value and to create buzz.

Fun fact: the original release completely lacked any content warnings!

Why was this its own, separate game from Verdun? This game split the already dwindling servers for the original, better game.

Enjoyed this game more as an explorable version of the Edgerunners anime than as a game itself. (Played before 2.0 update)

While the gunplay is substandard and the runtime is short, the characters and atmosphere carry this game. There is a clear tenderness for the world of Star Wars; for example, the title theme is written in Mandalorian. However, Republic Commando also distinguishes itself from the source material by portraying the Clone Wars an a gritty fashion not unlike Apocalypse Now -- you'll most likely know if the game clicks with you before you're even given real control.

Singleplayer was fun, but unfortunately doesn't compare to the feeling of a grand campaign presented in SSBB's Subspace Emissary.

Multiplayer is easily the height of the series -- my one complaint is how compared to Brawl, Snake was heavily nerfed -- and I'm not talking about moveset.

DLC characters were personally disappointing, with the highlight being Steve.

Will most definitely play again if I ever find my missing cartridge.

Never understood this game as a child. Have the disk sitting around somewhere, might return to this one day.

No reason whatsoever to play this over the original. Stars are earned only due to GMod compatibility.

My first videogame. I have memories of my dad handing me a Duke controller at 4 years of age.

While Goldeneye may have been the first truly famous multiplayer FPS, Combat Evolved was the first to do it right. The skill ceiling is incredibly high, and the time to kill feels just right, so that every death feels earned. Map knowledge is rewarded, but straightforward to learn.

Campaign is a masterclass in FPS weapon design -- no weapon feels extraneous. Unfortunately, some of the levels can be confusingly samey, and The Library just absolutely sucks. Best experienced in co-op.