4762 Reviews liked by NovaNiles

im not good at this game, but damn its fun

not good.. ;-; I mean cloud and Ryu in smash was cool tho

honestly me and my lil sisters would just mess around and play hide and seek in the massive overworld lol

didn't beat it, but what i did play was fun :D

My skylanders would always die lmao (but i had a SHITLOAD of them) >:D

easily the best out of all the games in this franchise. Buggy asl, but still really fun (lots of childhood memories with this lol)

i mean having actual playsets was nice ig

kinda worse than the second one ngl

really underwhelming (especially after superheros)

honestly pretty good, also the first lego game with voice acting

i mean i like the music

Subspace carries this one like CRAAZZZYY but I actually love this game lowkey
(also my first smash game)

i wish there was a cheat that allowed you to unlock all the op spells

ashamed how this one hooked me in ngl