I really appreciate the the gameplay gimmick with light sources and I adore the Twin Peaks references but fuck this game and fuck alan wake being an asthmatic pretentious d-bag

Everything I said about 1998 except better

Is it bad I enjoyed this more than OG Resident Evil 4?

Leon, he's a funny guy, he's a charismatic guy, he's an American, and I like Spain

Total buy on sale game but has excellent Replay value as it's one of the most accessible speedrunning games out there imo. It's the first game I ever platinumed and I played it on release making the the constant blare of ambulance sirens outside my house so immersive that it broke my immersion because i was shaking at how immersed I was. 4 realzies tho, great gameplay loop and it's a really short game with some worthwhile fun unlockables. I played it 10 times in a row and I'm only dropping that last store because of the story content they cut from the original. If you're not absolutely enamored with anything resident evil, paying full price for this game is highway robbery

always appreciate dialogue and story in Alan Wake but I couldn't get through how unfair I felt the enemy AI was

Absolute joy filled with so much character and satisfying busy work and platforming

So repetitive and annoying but amazing graphics, voice acting and set pieces. It initially had phenomenal atmosphere but that's undermined by the gameplay's short comings. Very intrigued by the world building but there needed to be more enemy, weapon and combat variety

So i've only played and completed the Chaos and Orc campaign and I love Gorgutz and kaiju level units so 5/5. I love the snow

The perfect game to play every October, you don't get a better relatively relaxed classic haunted house experience than this, it's very cozy.

A city that's fallen asleep and primed for a rude awakening to whosoever dare disturb it. Enter the world of survivor horror and survive the horror. The perfect video game adaptation of a b-list horror movie that was never a movie until it was, twice, but you should play the game. The Sequence and escalation of events in the each act; be it in the cutscenes or game play is awesome. Everything about this game from the set pieces to the art style to the sound design fits together so well and sucks you in. I've always been in love with the enemy design in this game because while creative, there's a logic and consistency that affords each opponent just the right amount of screen time. A little gun play, a little puzzle solving, a little back-tracking, we like to have fun here.