fun and has hot girls, would recommend

awesome game conceptually but I'm still not a big fan of competitive stuff

Ideal experience is with one other friend when both of you don't know or don't remember jack about the game

It was decent but I couldn't be arsed to complete it

got a really funny expereince with my friend out of this game because of how bad it is

I loved it and I should really play more of it

's alright I guess but I didn't have any reason to keep playing

played for a bit with my friends and couldn't really get hooked, not for me

I can't explain my hatred for this stupid ass game

I'm glad that the unreasonable craze about it is over and that I no longer have to play it just because otherwise I would have nothing else to do on a Discord VC with my friends

go afk tycoon simulators that are purely meant to produce the right chemicals in the brain so you keep coming back and playing them! yeah bitch slayyyy

solid experience with friends but nothing more really

I keep coming back and finding it kinda mid to be honest, I was never a big fan of TD games, all this one gives me is temporary rushes of dopamine when I see those bloons pop

Slime Rancher is a wholesome game I will always keep coming back to

played it way too long ago to come back and remember anything, but I loved it back then