A forgettable racing adventure, at least the visuals are fine for the platform.

A lousy racing game, with bland visuals & music, dumb rubbing controls, and barely any interesting tracks, although the Pikachu model was pretty impressive for its time.

Can you even call it a JRPG when the whole gameplay loop is buying & finding disposable items, then using them against useless enemy counters, just to make money to spend on the same disposable items?

Terrible sequel to the original open world collect-a-thon & terrible Grand Theft Auto clone, with a stupidly large map with no fast travel options, ugly & dull visuals, frustrating difficulty due to barely any checkpoints & crashing into police officers, and an edgy tone to cap off the adventure.

Bad puzzles that are just memorization you write on the map, ugly visuals, forgettable soundtrack, boring sea-traveling, and backtracking sections just to start the new areas don't make this adventure a breeze.

Unbalanced, grindy mess of a JRPG with tons of reused dungeons & enemies, writing that is in-your-face about gaming references, and ok visuals & music.

Charming little title, but the forced GamePad gimmicks are annoying, the camera gets in the way, and some of the puzzles are nothing special.

A weird flight game with colorful visuals & ok soundtrack, but ends incredibly quickly.

A water-downed port of Tempo, with some nice visuals, but it's super easy, sluggish, and boring.

A low-budget remake that looks awful, runs ok, and sounds excellent, but still reeks the dated game design of the original title.

One of the best platformers for the platform, with beautiful visuals, fun abilities to learn & master, and multiple stages & secrets to find, if the slowdown is pretty bad.

Adorable visuals doesn't mean much when the battle system is boring, the story is throwaway, and the customization is just there.

The visuals are the only beautiful aspect about this game, the combat system is repetitive, the slowdown is terrible, and it's frustratingly difficult only because of the poor damage dealt percentage.

Poor Hunter RPG with stiff combat, ugly visuals, story that barely holds the quests together, and the dumb gimmick of fighting monsters in a completely separate arena from the main map.


An acid trip of visuals & music, but level design that is a maze & stiff controls.