An uninteresting Hunter RPG that is really fanservice than anything.

A mess of gameplay ideas that looks atrocious, runs poorly, and is inferior to the Japanese exclusive Gold edition. Music is surprisingly fantastic.

A fantastic puzzle game, upbeat soundtrack, and great presentation, although the back tapping on the Vita is annoying.

It’s an ok remake if it’s your first time playing, but the ugly visuals, botched controls, and lengthy load times kill the experience for any returning fans.

A budget beat em up RPG, that barely scratches the surface on how to a merge JRPG style with the Kunio series.

A cute arena fighter, but you need to understand the language to appreciate the fully-voiced cutscenes.

A terrible hybrid between a Metroidvania in level design & Monster Hunter in combat, alongside a stupid barrier of entry via the 2 packs available for digital download.

A relaxing game, but low on content, mixed crafting system, and the confusing cloud save method.

A glorified tech demo with oversaturated visuals, poor level design, and a poor progression system.