3 reviews liked by ObiJuanKenobi28

Disappointed is an understatement.

After completing Ground Zeroes and finishing all achievements, I was so locked in and ready to start the final installment of the (Kojima-directed) MGS series. The first leg of the game got me hooked, I was so invested in getting the best soldiers and upgrading all parts of mother base. I was ready to grind the living shit out of this game. The characters, new and old, all had so much depth. Everything was up to my lofty expectations.

Around 2/3s through the game, some missions started to get repetitive. I didn’t quite mind it, since I was so invested in what direction the story was heading. And then the main missions were becoming just replays of already completed missions. This cut my investment and commitment to the game in half. I just wanted to advance the story and had to just grind these missions all over again. Then I reach what ends up being the final mission of the game, which is just a replay of the very first mission. At this point, I was just speed-running. Skipping every cutscene I can. Once I finished it, I was confused, where is the next mission? I googled how to trigger the next mission and found out I completed the game. Really? I couldn’t believe it. It felt like the story was building, only to get cut before the final act. Did a bit of reading on how the game was handled and things started making sense. The potential this game had just left me so disappointed.

A much shorter game than the previous. Seems more like a vessel to show the new performance of the PS5. But the already built foundation is still as exciting and thrilling. Characters are very well development considering the shorter, “DLC” like nature of the game, but there’s clearly some moments where the story is clearly rushed. The increased focus on the local community is a great change of pace. Main gripes are with Miles’ powers and gadgets which feel pretty useless and underwhelming.

Doesn’t quite reach the heights of the original and the side missions aren’t as interesting or engaging, but the more grounded story elements and updates to the map and mechanics bring a very enjoyable and satisfying playing experience. Miles’ final suite is a complete embarrassment though.