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After being held at gun point by my so called friend (fuck you Dante) and after 6 months of dodging his repeated attempts at making me finish this game it's finally done so how is it?

Well it's not the worst thing in the world however as the game progresses you just do next to no damage to basic bitch enemies because they all scale and that's what I want out of a beat em up to keep saying ( can we just go and not fight?)
There are items that can help you out during your journey but besides the only two useful ones they all suck and are completely worthless.
Your defensive options are basically nonexistent besides eating hits with you face or pressing the guard button that blocks two hits out of 50.

We had trouble with one boss and the rest were piss easy but they aren't terrible or anything.

The dialogue. it makes me wanna put a gun in my mouth. very few games make me wanna do that with just dialogue so that's an achievement right there.

Good news is I'll never have to play this game ever again and that makes me happy. :)