"ichiban you are like a dragon to me"
"Kiryu i'll never forget your infinite wealth"

This game is baffling to think about. If you separate its parts you get a fantastic soundtrack, incredible gunplay, great voice acting and really good visuals but then you see how they put it together and it's like they made it their mission to ruin all of it.

The gameplay to cutscene ratio is completely retarded especially at the start where you walk two steps and get assaulted with a 4-9 minute cutscene if it wasn't for James McCaffery (Rest in peace) carrying them on his back I would've honestly stopped playing long before the finish line.

It gets better later on but they still pry away controls very often and it's annoying. The filters the motherfucking filters everywhere making every cutscene an eyesore. I wouldn't mind them if they weren't spammed so frequently. 

The rest of the game is actually pretty good it's just those major issues I listed above that drags down what might've been one of the best shooters ever made.

In terms of RE clones you could be playing way worse than this game it's decent in that regard nothing impressive but nothing horrendously bad either besides a few oddities with the controls.

Now if that was it I would not be writing this just slap a 2.5 stars on it and leave but there's another side to this game and it's a weird ass action game with combos and magic powers??????

It drops out of nowhere and requires you to kill every enemy in the level which would be fine but the controls for this section and the targeting are extremely terrible and the novelty wears out really fast leaving you bored long before it's over.

I was playing on normal so it could be vastly different on higher difficulties but the game has zero faith in the player and just showers you with resources and health packs the only times I died were to the last 2 bosses and it wasn't due to difficulty either just horrendous design on one and bad planning on my part on the second one on my first attempt.

there are 3 bosses in the game and 2 of them are in that DMC at home mode. One of them is piss easy and the other one is a test of patience since the boss also has "SICK" moves like your character it devolves into who can stun lock the other first which is always a great design for any boss.

The final boss is in RE clone mode so it's also painfully average he just tosses out ads and throws shit at you until the game prompts you to use an item to win.

All in all it's an ok game if you can stomach the bad DMC at home section.

Nothing much to say about this one I expected way worse walking into it but it turned out to be ok

The main giant flaw is the horrendous camera in this game it pans up way too high way too fast and you can't see shit sometimes not completely unplayable but enough to be obnoxious.

There was 1 or 2 cool boss fights that force you to actually time your attacks to be effective but the rest are just whatever.

That's really the best way to sum up this whole game just whatever.

Jesus fucking christ where do you even start with this game
from the story written by a 4 year old to the god awful controls
or maybe the ungodly amount of backtracking?

your starting weapons all fucking suck and they have the sheer fucking gall to ask that you use the worst weapon in the game to stun vampires and then use "white water" on them to return them to normal when every fucking room throws 9 of them and they can combo you to death no problem it starts to get bearable when you get the shotgun and later on the magnum.

there are 3 bosses in this damn game and 2 of them are recycled fights 15 minutes away from each other. the rest of the enemies fucking suck and some of them blow fucking bubbles at you that can hit you 6 times in a row.

And the backtracking the motherfucking backtracking is out of this world. Every stupid fucking key you get requires you to go to the other side of the damn map then you get another key and guess what go back to the initial room you started in on the other side of the map pussy. and that's the only thing you do for the entirety of this god forsaken game "b-but Resident evil does the same thing" SHUT THE FUCK UP NO IT DOESN'T there's actual good map design with fun puzzles and good combat to complement the exploring for keys despite the occasional backtracking.

The music sounds straight out of Resident Evil 1 Directors Cut and some rooms look borderline 1:1 zero shame when making some of these rooms.

Don't touch this with a 10 foot pole just go play The Ring : Terror's Realm or Carrier I'm sure those are more engaging than this filth.

After being held at gun point by my so called friend (fuck you Dante) and after 6 months of dodging his repeated attempts at making me finish this game it's finally done so how is it?

Well it's not the worst thing in the world however as the game progresses you just do next to no damage to basic bitch enemies because they all scale and that's what I want out of a beat em up to keep saying ( can we just go and not fight?)
There are items that can help you out during your journey but besides the only two useful ones they all suck and are completely worthless.
Your defensive options are basically nonexistent besides eating hits with you face or pressing the guard button that blocks two hits out of 50.

We had trouble with one boss and the rest were piss easy but they aren't terrible or anything.

The dialogue. it makes me wanna put a gun in my mouth. very few games make me wanna do that with just dialogue so that's an achievement right there.

Good news is I'll never have to play this game ever again and that makes me happy. :)

11 SHIELDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????!!???

Where to even start with this one good lord.
From the game being boring as sin to it glitching the fuck out at least for me my partner seemed to be fine for the most part to some asshole literally spitting fax over the radio in chapter 14 yelling FACT every 5 minutes or so in FACT I'll structure this just like that dip shit did.

FACT : This game somehow manages to look way worse than it's predecessor from 2 years ago the visuals in general are extremely boring except at the very end where it starts to get semi competent only for it to end.

FACT: If I wasn't playing this in CO-OP I would have never finished this shit. It really stress tests the "everything is fun with friends" to the limit.

FACT : The glitches holy shit they were everywhere from ha ha funny ones to me being banished to the final boss' asshole during the fight and having to reset to us getting fucking scammed at some point at a bench where we used all our resources only for the game to shit itself and disconnect saving the FACT that it took our resources but not what we bought with them THANK YOU EA.

speaking of thanking EA fuck their app you can't even invite people for some ungodly reason and even connecting to each other takes 10-15 minutes every time we start this trashfire.

FACT: I ran out of shit to say just wanted to say FACT one more time.

One final FACT : If you are playing this trash find a co-op partner it's way more tolerable that way or you know just don't fucking play it period.

I couldn't think that I would ever find something worse than Daemon summoner on PS2 (Chronicles of a vampire hunter for you PC people) but holy fuck did I find something infinitely worse in every category.

graphics look like absolute dog shit and no it's not because it's on PS1 at the time of this shit's release Resident Evil 3 , Tekken 3 , Legacy of Kain : soul reaver were already out but that's not a deal breaker I've looked at worse before so I can stomach that.

Now as for gameplay and controls holy fucking shit this is the lowest of the low you know that feeling when you press a button harder out of frustration wanting the action to happen or happen faster? that's all over this game it barely functions. and if that's enough it's also extremely difficult expect to clear every single section with a sliver of health after repeating the entire level each time you die. you name it this game got it : bullshit enemy configurations , cheap shots , insane damage or no damage at all , escort missions that happen back to back with no healing or any help whatsoever , insta kills , an infernal final boss that bugged out for me and refused to die even after I emptied it's life bar 3 times in a row it kept refiling and on the third time it decided to have infinite health as a final fuck you and much more shit that I'm too lazy to type out.

Level 5 in particular was the worst with tiny fucking gremlin things that charge you and do AOE damage that kills you in 2 seconds and the game spawns 50 of them in a small ass corridor that section alone took 40 minutes of retries because this whole game was developed by lobotomized French monkeys.

I would talk about the story but there's barely any of it you see a FMV of people dying at the start and then you get text with shit grammar telling you to find and kill "THE EVIL"tm. zero voice acting as well because who needs that shit to explain anything.

Thankfully the entire ordeal lasts an hour and 30 minutes but those last few levels will test your patience , resolve and the will to put the gun away from your mouth. Cryo interactive is the absolute worst publisher I've ever seen and thank god they are fucking dead. Fuck this game and fuck whoever made it.

Developer Mercury Steam returns to make a sequel to a semi competent game and have it be one of the worst sequels ever made.

Prologue/Tutorial starts out decent enough with a siege on Dracula's castle who you happen to control it does that shitty thing where it gives you a taste of your endgame powers only to strip them away at the end of the prologue. I've always hated that trope but that's gonna be the least of this game's problems moving forward.

After the prologue you wake up in the future as and old man with barely any power left and have to feed to restore your strength. after that you discover that this game is split into two sections that switch around as it goes on.

The first one is you traveling to the past to explore your castle and gain new powers while you fight the castle itself controlling your minions and pitting them against you. I'd go as far as to say that these sections are decent just like the first game nothing amazing but nothing offensive either.

The second section is where this thing nosedives into the mud and never recovers because during your time with the castle section the only thought that crosses your mind is "Oh god how long is it before I have to go back to that shitshow?".
You as Dracula have turn into a fucking rat and hide from buff soldiers because Dracula is a massive pussy apparently and it never deviates from this either it's always the same.
Hide from soldiers, Turn into a rat , Bite some wires to open doors and trying to get through said door rinse and repeat. These fucking sections ruin the rest of the game making the whole product extremely painful to playthrough.

Such a shame after a promising prologue that the rest of the game turns out to be a massive waste of time and nothing more.

Can’t get this damn song out of my head send help


Many people would just call this game shit and move on with their lives and they are probably right but I dunno what it is I enjoyed my time playing this mess of a game.

At least it sort of tries to be varied with locals from forests to swamps to frozen lakes to gothic castles and while the gameplay is your run of the mill hack and slash it does it’s job just fine. They even attempted a large scale boss early on and failed miserably but it was a cute attempt alright?

I don’t remember a single piece of music from the game but that also means I don’t remember anything offensive to the ears so it’s just there at least I think it’s there.

Maybe it was when I played this near it’s release but I genuinely had fun with it despite its many shortcomings I’d probably hate it’s guts if replay it now but who knows.

It’s aight.

Collective Consciousness is way better than the meme song don’t even talk to me about anything else.