I honestly don't get all the hate for this game. Don't get me wrong I was a little disappointed in the length and how they treat Nemesis and a certain level. HOWEVER I really enjoyed playing it. Loved Jill, loved Carlos, and all the other characters. It's a fun game and I recommend you try it out!

This may be one of my favourite games of all time. I loved the original and I love this one just as much if not even a little more. I can't recommend this enough!

The game's fun, I'm interested in the story and all. However I feel like the games insanely hard. My party kept getting wiped in the third encounter, then one run my dudes didn't even get hit. I'm going to push on and leave a better review when I'm finished.

This is already one of my favourite games. I ADORE the characters, voice acting, and the story. I can't praise this games soundtrack enough. I have never been so hyped for a game to come out. After full release I'm going to give this game 6 stars.

All the hate of this game honestly makes me a little sad. This game totally has it's issues, however despite all the bugs and glitches I truly believe Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had. The soundtrack is gorgeous and if you take the time to explore, and to truly immerse yourself in the quests and the characters stories it is one of the most magical games I have ever played.

Played the shit out of this game. Gorgeous and atmospheric game with a fun story and a wonderfully haunting aesthetic.