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Not Terrible, Aged Poorly

While this may have been considered cutting-edge for the FPS genre back in 2006, Call of Duty 3 has not aged particularly well from a gameplay perspective.
While the multiplayer is decent enough, especially local multiplayer, the campaign is a real slog to get through with the back half in particular feeling very repetitive and dull.
There is little to no veracity when it comes to mission objectives and the only sense of difficulty comes from how many enemies are on screen and firing at you.
Kills are unsatisfying compared to later entries in the series and the characters do very little to stand out from each other, meaning I don't really care all that much when one of them gets killed off.
Call of Duty 3 is by no means a terrible game, but it has not aged particularly well and was a good indicator that the World War II era of Call of Duty games was starting to wear a bit thin, for the time being at least.
Unless you have some nostalgia for the title or can find it for $4.99 or less, there really isn't much of a reason for you to play this over Call of Duty 2 or World at War.