Not Terrible, Aged Poorly

While this may have been considered cutting-edge for the FPS genre back in 2006, Call of Duty 3 has not aged particularly well from a gameplay perspective.
While the multiplayer is decent enough, especially local multiplayer, the campaign is a real slog to get through with the back half in particular feeling very repetitive and dull.
There is little to no veracity when it comes to mission objectives and the only sense of difficulty comes from how many enemies are on screen and firing at you.
Kills are unsatisfying compared to later entries in the series and the characters do very little to stand out from each other, meaning I don't really care all that much when one of them gets killed off.
Call of Duty 3 is by no means a terrible game, but it has not aged particularly well and was a good indicator that the World War II era of Call of Duty games was starting to wear a bit thin, for the time being at least.
Unless you have some nostalgia for the title or can find it for $4.99 or less, there really isn't much of a reason for you to play this over Call of Duty 2 or World at War.

Platform: Xbox Series X
Time: 7 Hours, 23 Minutes

No. Fuck you.

What Nintendo doesn't seem to realize is that the whole point of repackaging or remastering a game for a new system is that you include all current and future DLC for free. That's what the word "deluxe" in the title implies. However, someone at the Mario company didn't get the memo and simply ported the existing game from the Wii U to the Switch and still expects players to pay for the lackluster DLC content.
On top of that, because Nintendo only likes releasing one mainline Mario Kart game per system, it's likely this will be the flagship Mario Kart game for the Switch era.
Because of this, despite having slightly more content than its Wii U counterpart, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe loses some points overall.

Played On: Xbox One/Series X and PlayStation 4

It’s scrabble on a video game console, don’t know exactly what you expected. If you enjoy scrabble or similar game like Words With Friends you’ll probably like this version although it can be a bit clunky at times. I originally got it on my PS4 as a standalone title so I’d have something that wasn’t MLB The Show on there, since that’s all I got the console for, and then got it as part of a board game bundle pack on my Xbox Series C.

Played On: Xbox Series X
Time Played: 5 Hours 3 Minutes

Avoid this game at all costs. If you want a game that’s a realistic take on baseball, play MLB The Show. If you want a game that has good controls and gets the rules and soul of the sport right with a bit more of a whacky feel to it, play any of the entries in the Super Mega Baseball series.
This game is a terrible mix between Super Mega Baseball and the worst parts of that baseball mini game from the most recent Olympic Games video game.
Awful controls, terrible gameplay and some of the worst AI I’ve seen in a sports game released in the 21st century. I picked it up $1.99 and I still feel cheated. Not worth it, even for the achievements/trophies.

To put it simply, Dakar 18 makes me want to eat a three-pound bag of sand rather than play any more of what this game has to offer. In fact, this game manages to do almost everything pretty poorly.
Interesting gameplay mechanics hampered by either poor execution or poor implementation? Check. Bland environments with outdated graphics for the time of release and budget? Oh course! Obnoxious sound design? You bet!
While there are some good ideas for elements that could make Dakar 18 a unique experience in the oversaturated genre of pseudo-realistic offroad racing games, everything feels so disconnected that almost nothing works.
The voice acting and constant instructions are very annoying, but if you turn them off, chances are you'll get lost in the vacuous expanse of nothing that makes up almost every level. And while there is a decent selection of vehicles available in the game, they all feel way to similar and blend together as a result.
At the end of the day this is just one of those games I picked up on digital sale for somewhere around $2 when my friends and I were having a competition to see who could rack up the most gamerscore in a month and, honestly, it wasn't even that good for that.
Avoid at all costs.

Keep in mind this rating reflects more on how it compares to other mobile FPS games more than how it compares to the series as a whole.

This game is decent enough if you can get it for $1.99. You just drive around an industrial complex on your dirt bike looking for collectibles with very little in terms of gameplay variation. The handling of the bike is awful but there is some fun to be had if you can get it dirt cheap. Good for quick pick up and play sessions.

Very fun on-rails shooter, especially with a custom-designed arcade cockpit cabinet made specifically for the game. Solid gameplay with a good difficulty curve and a story that fits wite nicely into the Halo lore without requiring super in-depth knowledge of the franchise's history, making it good for both Halo lovers and first-time enjoyers.
The one thing bringing it down in the ratings is the lack of a home console release. With Fireteam Raven being an arcade-exclusive game, there is a good chance that even some more involved Halo fans will never have a chance to play it. If this is released for Xbox One/Series consoles and PC at some point in time as a cheap side game or as DLC for the Master Chief Collection, I will increase my score.
Overall very fun game and a worth addition to one of gaming's greatest franchises.

A very good remaster and a good game if you like the timed-action style of gameplay the series is known for.
However, newcomers should know that the game is very, very heavy on dialogue to the point where it can feel more like a visual novel than a game at times, and, while the characters themselves are interesting at times, the overall plot is pretty standard for the genre and does very little to stand out.

Longtime fans of the DMC series will complain about minute and meaningless details in an otherwise very good action game.
The combat flow is some of the best in the entire series at the time of writing, and the visuals, for the time, are quite good. The tone is the blend of comedy and edgy drama the series has become known for over its past few entries, and it remains fresh across multiple replays.
A very fun game, especially if you can pick it up on sale.

A video game take on the "Where's Waldo" or "I-Spy" book type of activity, It's Kooky is a simple game that gives you a set amount of time to find a certain number of weird things in an image. These can range from immediately noticeable things like a cow flying a hot air balloon to smaller things like a chicken hiding amongst a bunch of sea creatures.
Each level becomes a lottle more complicated, with larger levels, more objects to find, and more drawings to hide them. While you don't need to find 100% of the out-of-place doodles to progress to the next level, doing so can net you some really easy achievements.
The black and white line art art style can make things a bit hard to find at times so you will have to pay close attrention in later levels.

For any achievement hunters out there this game is a must have for a very neasy 1000G. Finding 100% of the weird items hidden in each scene will net you an achievement, a method that comprises every achievement in the game. This, combined with a very cheap price, can make it a good addition to your collection and an easy way to get even closer to that next big Gamersore milestone.

A simple infinite-runner game, No Thing isn't a game you're likely to remember for its gameplay. In fact, even when compared to other infinite-runners it is pretty dull.
That being said, it may very well be the easies 1000G you'll ever get as, with the help of a basic YouTube walkthrough sowcasing the game's main glitch, you can obtain 100% achievement completion in under ten minutes.
If you're an achievement hunter and find this thing on sale for $0.99 like I did then I'd highly recommend picking it up.

decent enough game held back a bit by clunky controls fro the 2D/side-scroller sections. Picked it up for $4.29 at my local Goodwill and enjoyed picking up and playing it now and then. Looks preety good when played on my Series X.

Decent pickup and play value for the $2 I spent on it. Very good understanding of how to utilize the Kinect. Fuu multiplayer or drunk gaming sessions specifically.