Bluey: The Video Game is a passable game for kids. While I am certainly not the target audience I wasn't quite as bored as with the Peppa Pig game from a few years ago.
As a kid I would probably play this once or twice before switching back to Lego games or Minecraft due to the shockingly low amount of content for the $40 price tag. While children will likely spend more time wandering around the simplistic yet enjoyable nvironments, I can't see it entertaining most kids for more than a few hours due to there being nothing to do after you complete the main story and find all the stickers.
The minigames are pretty boring for the most part, with Chattermax Chase being actually annoying due to the poor AI of the opponents and poor collision detection when it comes to actually catching the thing.
The one upside here is how good the game is for all you achievement hunters out there since you can easily 100% of the game in under 2.5 hours, especially with a guide.

To preface this review I went into Dead Island Retro Revenge knowing that it was a minigame spin-off, not a true Dead Island experience.
Despite that, I was still disappointed with the game I paid $0.99 for.
Dead Island Retro Revenge is, for all intents and purposes, a Streets of Rage clone made by people who fail to understand what goes into a game like that.
Combat and movement feel stiff beyond belief and none of the moves are satisfying to pull off. While games in this genre are known for being fairly difficult most of the time, Retro Revenge isn't hard because of any unique game design, but rather because of how broken the game is.
Your attacks often won't hit due to the game's shoddy hit detection, and enemies will find ways to land attacks that should have missed due to the same system. These glitches, mixed with a bland achievement system and clunky controls, make Dead Island Retro Revenge an unfun slog to play through.
Avoid this game, even if you have the chance to get it for $0.99 like I did.


A charming little game that made an excellent addition to Xbox Games With Gold this month.
From the music and art style to the simplistic yet non-repetitive gameplay, this game is a wonderful and relaxing experience that can be enjoyed for brief, 10-minute play sessions or for hour-long sit-downs.
If there is one issue the game has it is that the controls can feel rather clunky from time to time, at least when played on a console using thumbsitcks. While playing on Series X I noticed that the left stick (used for sideways movement in the game) has a bit of an odd dead zone and can be a bit unresponsive compared to other platformers. However it didn't take that long to adapt to controlling the game, and it really is the only blemish on an otherwise wonderful little game.

An Interesting Novelty

A lot of what makes this game popular is the fact that it exists to begin with. Whe we think of Rockstar Games, our minds go to massive IPs like Grand Theft Auto or Red Dead or, if you are a little older, something like Midnight Club.
While they have had some interesting side ventures over the years, Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis is definitely a weird one.
Once you get past the novelty of its existence though, the game itself is just okay at best. Its a standard table tennis game that offers nothing more than what you would expect to find in an arcade game from around this time.
While it is decently entertaining for a quick gaming session, there isn't a unique twist to it or anything to signify Rockstar's involvement in any way. No snarky sense of humor or hidden references to their other works.
The achievements arent anything special either, so it isn't anything of value for achievement hunters.
Overall, if you see it on sale for $5 or close to that price point it could be worth it, but most of what makes it memorable comes from the name.

I really enjoyed this game back when my main console was my Wii U, and, after finally picking up an Xbox 360 in March of last year, knew I had to give the main version of the game a go when I found it for $6 in a used games store.
Overall, the core gameplay elements are exactly as enjoyable as I remember them being, with a good selection of cars at your disposal and a decently interactive open world to explore.
That being said, not everything here is perfect.
The racing gameplay is a lot more unforgiving than I remember from when I was younger. Races happen at incredibly high speed, especially against the Most Wanted boss cars, and with no rewinds available, one crash can completely ruin an otherwise great run. This issue is compounded by the fact that the Most Wanted opponents have a tendency to rubberband, never being more than a second or two behind you no matter how perfectly you drive.
Also, going back and playing this game after playing something with a higher framerate, such as Forza Horizon 5, can be a bit jarring as the framerate does stutter from time to time and the 30fps combined with the high speed of the races can lead to slow reaction times and annoying wrecks until you get the hang of things.
Overall though, once you adapt to some of the game's unique quirks, it is a very fun racer you can easily spend a good amount of time with.

While the added variety in terms of vehicles and design options does help to make the game an improvement over its predecessor, there are still plenty of issues to be found in CSR Racing 2.
Pretty much all of the issues have more to do with the mobile gaming industry as a whole but that doesn't stop them from negatively impacting this title. From paying for better cars to skip the endless grind to paying to refill your gas tank in order to avoid a cooldown period, this game is filled with microtransactions that greatly bring down what could otherwise be a pretty alright game

Fun little racing game to kill some time with but not much beyond that.
Overall, Gear Club Unlimited feels a lot like a mostly steering-based mobile racer (think Asphalt 9 Legends) but without the aggressive microtransactions.
While it isn't anything spectacular, the game has a good progression system and a decent amount of customization options to help keep players entertained.
Something that does bring it down a bit, however, is the lag and long loading times. While it doesn't show up during the actual racing portions of the game, there is often noticeable input lag in both the map screen as well as the garage-building hub. This can make the otherwise entertaining process of building and organizing your garage somewhat annoying.
Apart from that, however, Gear Club Unlimited is a fun little racing game to spend some time with while waiting to board a flight or killing time before your next class starts.

Even as made-for-kids kart racers go, Paw Patrol: Grand Prix is a truly shoddy product. Now while I will admit I am clearly not the target audience for the game, a 21-year-old with no attachment to the property the game is based on, I can confidently say that even as a kid, I would be bored by this game.
Compared to other kart racers like Mario Kart or the Sonic Racing series, Paw Patrol: Grand Prix feels incredibly slow and dull. The opponent AI is terrible on every level, and the tracks are so bland that the game practically plays itself.
While games like Sonic Racing or Mario Kart have a great variety of locations with unique visuals and memorable music, this game is a mess of reused assets and basic tracks that fail to stand out in any way.
On top of that, the cups themselves are brutally long slogs comprised of far too many races that take well over an hour to complete, meaning this game isn't even good for the achievement hunters out there.
Wether you are an adult or a child, I'd strongly suggest you steer clear of this game at all costs.

Whoever came up with the concept of flying spirit orbs can die in a hole.

Don’t get me wrong, Fallout New Vegas is still an excellent video game and a shining example of creativity when it comes to the open world genre, but some elements haven’t aged brilliantly. The controls are clunky at times and, especially in the beginning, this is a very slow game. Also, even given the style and the time period it was made in, some of the graphics and elements in the game look atrocious. The story is a bit weak in places but fairly strong overall making for a good experience for most gamers.

This review contains spoilers

NOTE FOR XBOX OWNERS: This game currently has a free trial available on the Xbox Marketplace that gives you access to the full game for free for a couple of hours. This includes the ability to unlock Achievements.

An interesting throwback to a much simpler era of gaming, The Adventures of Elena Temple is designed to replicate the simple style of lower-end games from the 90s, particularly Game Boy platformers.
It is clear from the very start that a lot of love has been put into this game by its creators, as there are a bunch of unique, retro-themed game cabinets you can use to play the game themed after 90s computers and consoles. The game also does a good job of recreating the feel of a lot of those bargain-bin Game Boy titles. However, this does bring with it its own set of issues here and there.
Like cheap 90s games, the controls are incredibly stiff, and movement can be unpredictable at times. If you are on a console or plan on playing this with a controller on your PC, I'd certainly recommend using the D-Pad, as the thumbsticks often won't move the character in the way you think they would. While you can get used to these controls as you play, the movement speed and acceleration of the character can cause precise platforming to become a bit of a headache. If the game had an option to turn on more fluid, modern controls, my main gripes with it would be solved, as almost everything else works just as it should.
A nice little dose of nostalgia that is also a good source of easy Achievements and Gamerscore for Xbox One/Series S|X Owners.

Played On: Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, iOS

Run Sausage Run! is another one of those simple infinite runner games that were designed with mobile platforms in mind but have made its way to home consoles as well. A good source of easy Achievements for Xbox owners, especially when its on sale for $1.99 as it is right now, the game has a simple yet effective art style that works decently well with the different types of environments it includes.
While not amazing, the gameplay falls under the catagory of being easy to learn but somewhat challenging to fully master as you'll have to memorize the timing of obstacles in your path.
Overall it probably isn't a game you'll go out of your way to pick up but can offer brief, 5 - 20 minute sessions of fun if you do decide to go for it.

Very cool styalistic choices for the environments, levels, and characters. The music is good and the roster of both Plants and Zombies feels very unique and filled out. Battles can feel very rewarding, especially when overcoming a particularly difficult fight and the large amount of content means there is quite a bit of depth to the game.

A potentially great sequel to a fantastic game brought down quite a bit by microtransactions that disrupt the game's pacing and difficulty.
The game can also be weirdly difficult at times, especially when compared to its predecessor, and requires a constant internet connection meaning it isn't a great option for plain flights or road trips if you have limited data.

It's just Angry Birds Pop again but with a different coat of paint slightly better gameplay.