3 reviews liked by Omegas82128

this was my first time playing anything in the prime series, and it simply is just one of the best game ever made.

I can't speak for the solo experience, but I found the co-op to be awesome. It's well designed around having multiple characters and has some of the coolest boss fights I've experienced in a while. If you have a crew to play with, it is a can't miss game.



Contrary to what you'll find looking at my account here I've played hundreds, if not well over a thousand video games at this stage of my life so when one manages to come out of nowhere and can still suprise the hell out of me, igniting that spark of childlike wonder of what's going to be around the next corner all the way, well then I have to be impressed.

Tunic is a game built on secrets, it's been a while since I've played something that rewards you so consistently for being curious. There's something hidden around every corner and the most invaluable item you can find in the world is pages from the game's actual manual. How novel! Each page gives some really cool insight into the very obscure world and further works to help you piece together the game's untranslated language and intended route progression in a way I've not seen done before. And all of this culminates into one of the most well kept, involved, and original puzzles I've ever had the pleasure to crack.

If only we had a real manual in our hands to take it to that next level, though I suppose that would open the player up to a slew of spoilers and unintended gameplay pacing so scratch that idea.

The Zelda inspiration is so obvious here it needn't even be commented on, our green tunic sporting, sword & shield wielding main character wears that on their sleeve. Certainly a healthy dose of Soulsian inspo in play too, with a touch of Fez (though I think that mainly comes from secrets hidden behind perspective and not much else). All of this works to excellent effect, creating one of the most surprising, addictive, and best Indie games I have ever played. Wonderful time, and other than a fairly bland OST along with some areas/sections that could've really benefited from being tightened up; an easy recommendation.