8 reviews liked by OmniOyster

Battle system? Has little to no depth or strategy and is insultingly easy, way more than the other games in the series.

Incentive for battling? literally the only thing you get for battling is coins (and the occasional sticker), you spend them on single use stickers which you need to do anything in battle so any non-required battle is a literal waste of time.

Story and characters? Non-existent for the former and very, very scarce for the latter, charm? Also very, very scarce.

worlds and creativity? new super mario bros.

positives? music and visual presentation is pleasant, mostly unremarkable but pleasant + the snifit or whiffit bit and the boo's mansion levels were pretty alright, little diamonds in the septic tank but it's something,

hotel? trivago.

Feels like a watered-down Emerald

It has it's good share of issues but it has alot of content to dig into, charm and isn't piss easy like the awful 3ds and switch games so there's that.

World of Light fucking sucks, but the rest of the game is okay.

HERO TIME - The first time I experienced anxiety

How has no one bothered to log this cult classic in their libraries yet

I love this game, sure the story may not be as good as the original black & white but it's bursting with charm, great music & visuals for the system, fixed the iffy gameplay quirks of the first game (like the linear world progression), jam PACKED with content during and post adventure it's about all I could ask for in a pokemon game and sadly in my opinion it's the last great game before the series sunk to mediocre, water-downed rpgs with the jump to 3D with X and Y but at least they went out with a bang and hopefully some day Gamefreak will as care much as the DS era of pokemon again and then I'll welcome back the series with open arms but until then.

Fun game, but not better than Emerald, which is disappointing. It's also insultingly easy.