Can't really comment as I only played for 20 mins, but that 20 mins was not fun.

Fantastic. I didn't get it, at all. But the atmosphere was superb. The score from Lyndon Holland was second to none and suited perfectly. The narrative was something else, not in a negative way just insofar as there's a lot to unpick. Definite Twin Peaks vibe. Well done team for pushing the boundaries

Only played for five minutes. Got bored. The end.

Fantastic game. Can't fault it really. An excellent narrative, varied and creative storytelling in various styles. Well thought out and just the right length. Zero frustrations, a subtle score and nice pacing. Highly recommended. We need more games like this. This is a classic, up there with the great movies.


I admit, I gave this nowhere near enough chance to give a rating, I only played for maybe 15 minutes. But those 15 minutes suggested it was just the same as a thousand other games so I figured it'd be one to miss.

A fun little narrative. The gameplay aspects really only exist to help you uncover the story so they're quite simple and not too diverting. The graphics are lovely and the scenes are each set nicely, with a pleasant and fantastical abstraction from reality. The game is really narrative though, so should be judged primarily on that. The narrative works, the story unfurls with more ambiguity than you would usually see in, say, a movie or a novel, which helps push the genre in the direction that video game story-telling should be expanding further into. A good game, and I must say that I welcomed the game's length of 90 minutes. We played it as a family when we had a couple of hours to wait for something. I wish more games allowed that.


Stray is wonderful. It's casual gaming at its best.

The gameplay is simplistic and not challenging, but this helps the narrative carry through. It's not ridiculously easy though, just the right amount to not become frustrating. In my opinion it was spot on. Also, given that the main quest is linear, it's refreshing to not have to explore every cranny for loot.

The story is quite engaging but also quite limited. But the effect is deep and absorbing. The worldbuilding is fantastic. Some what generic but I'd rather see it as building on a solid foundation. It's a sort of cyberpunk dystopia with a cutesy, nonthreatening aesthetic. There's a real Kowloon feel to the place.

It looks and feels completely immersive and is the first game I've played that really feels next gen. Controls are pretty tight too.

The score is fantastic, it jarred a little at first but I quickly adapted and it helped deeply with the immersion.

A nearly perfect game that scratches that itch for an interactive narrative experience. And no, the cat protagonist is not a gimmick, it works and is suitable.

Hidden Agenda is a fun game. The story is a little generic and predictable, but boundaries are being explored in the tech and mechanisms so I'm not sure that's too much of an issue. There are moments of tension and it was fun with a group of six. The mechanisms however fall short of the mark. The decisions aren't always clear and often seem inconsequential. There's rarely anything to discuss as you can't really guess the outcome. The takeover cards were used very rarely by our group on either playthrough. The hidden agendas are the most broken aspect though as it's almost impossible to influence people towards your agenda if there's either very little to discuss or very little to indicate how you would go about it. It just doesn't quite work out. The mechanism is solid, but the writing doesn't exploit it.

Voice acting was great, for a video game. Animation was mostly very good. Sound and (limited) score was excellent. Controls through the app we found smooth, though some of the rapid responses were a little too tricky. Branching paths were limited and too unpredictable, and often didn't ripple out too much with a couple of great exceptions.

Overall, we had a good five hours of fun play and having to start from the beginning without chapters (cf Detroit) wasn't much of a drag on the second playthrough. A decent game. I want more like this.

Second attempt to play the game. I only spent 30 mins or so but just found it a bit tedious. I imagine I haven't given it enough of a chance, but with the number of games I have to play I really need to get that initial hook early on. Maybe I'll try it again another day, or watch a walkthrough to see what the big deal is.

It's a nice, slick take on RTS with a major flaw; one zombie can ruin the entire gameplay. So whilst you try and keep a tight net around everything, if you let your guard down for a moment or something sneaks in - that's it, infection spreads too fast to manage and 30 mins of play is ruined and you're essentially starting again. Happened too many time for me to continue playing.

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Mixed feelings about this one. It was very well produced and the acting was almost flawless. The concept was fresh and we soon got into the swing of pinning the story threads together. However, the game never really indicated what we were meant to be doing (we went into the game blind). And then the game just ended. I understand it's difficult to finalise the game without breaking the immersion, but it got to 5AM and we uploaded the videos and then got an ending - I wasn't even aware it was an ending, in fact, I thought we'd failed. I'm not sure exactly where the game was or what agency we had as players.

For my two cents, it would've been nice to have had perhaps some emails within the game world with a little bit of direction and to show progress - or how close we were to the deadline. Maybe just directing us as to what we were looking for. It was just a bit muddled, but I applaud the team for the fresh thinking and the progress - I think the next iteration will hit it.

When this was first announced, I wanted to love it. When it was first released, I didn't care about all the issues, I just wanted to explore. I was disappointed in 2016. Now, six years later with a dozen updates I thought I'd see how it had matured. It's still tedious. The graphics are awful, the environments are are so evidently procedural that everything feels the same. There just seems to be no point. Sorry, I know a lot of effort went into the game, but for me it just hasn't paid off.

This is a beautiful game, with a nicely spaced soundtrack and wonderful pacing. Unfortunately, I felt inclined to abandon it today with a view to watching a playthrough on YouTube. The controls are fiddly and the constant maintenance of the ship just became a little grindy. Whilst the story, minimalist as it is, is haunting and warming at the same time, it is a little too detached from the environment. This is a bleak post-apocalyptic game where the game elements almost don't need to be there.

Well, it was a hell of a ride. Superb story, and it's a rare thing for me to be impressed by a game's story. Constantly interesting. But online was the key for me. In the early days, I had some fantastic matches. Things tailed off a bit towards the end of my time playing it, with too many matches that just didn't look like ones I wanted to play. But it's up there with my favourites.

Beautiful looking, sparse but evocative plot, somewhat clunky controls with some puzzles and challenges that are just a little tuned a little too tightly.