6 reviews liked by OneDayNewYou


Simply a masterpiece. Just as The United States has The Constitution, shoot-em-ups and bullet hells have Galaga. Need I say more?

This game gives me a huge rush of energy every time I start a new game. I love knocking out all the bugs before they get in proper formation, and sparing a few of the big boys so you can get another ship. It's a colorful and magnetic shooter; building off the base of Galaxian, boosting speed and enemy variety. It really is a quintessential example of the kinds of experiences arcades had to offer and set the groundwork for multiple genres of shoot em ups.

A classic. For good reason.

my wife’s favorite game and she’s really good at it i’m talking like pulling 100k, 200k casually each run like it’s fuckin nothing

Now THIS is what I'm talking about! Galaga is without a doubt the superior of the original two Galaxian games, and it is incredibly fun and addicting. It's essentially the same as Galaxian, except this time it's a lot faster, with more shots being fired, and new threats to see. Not to mention, now your ship can be captured, and if you get it back, you can get a dual shooter, which makes it even more fun and satisfying.

Seriously, even my Dad considers this to be his favorite video game, and he barely plays video games at all. It is without a doubt one of the best classic Namco arcade games that they have ever released.

Game #77