43 reviews liked by OnlyACritic

Playing this game now, it very much has a crisis of identity. The game boots up with USS Voyager artwork and you’re given some of the TNG crew at the start, but then the state of the universe makes no sense and the game doesn’t look right and feels more like the Kelvin universe.

And that’s because it IS the Kelvin universe. Originally, the game had no additions from other shows. The game was about you being an “independent” in the changed world of the Kelvin timeline, dealing with a mysterious AI helping you created by Scotty. The stuff thrown in by other shows have no explanations, they’re just there, and end up making the game look like a mess (just a more marketable mess). It started off as its own coherent universe before just throwing anything in.

Fleet Command is a “press button to do stuff” game. There’s no strategy and very little choice, combat is automatic and missions are extremely repetitive. It starts out promising, looking like a strategy game with in depth base building and complex technology trees, but this is all an illusion as it soon becomes clear that everything has to be done in a specific order. Want to upgrade your drydock for more ships? You need to make sure your Academy is at the right level, which requires Operations at a certain level and so on. The entire game is like this, making it feel like you’re just doing chores for someone else.

The game is all about time management. Everything takes time, and the main collectable are speed up items that skip some of these wait timers. If you run out, you can buy more. Other upgrades, such as new crew, are via lootboxes. The crew screen looks impressive, with a good 3D model of the character, but they’re nothing more than bonus stats for your ship. It’s really baffling when part of the game is looking for Scotty when he’s sitting on on of your ships (the Kelvin universe version, too). Having these known characters detracts from the game, but it appeases those that just want to spend money to collect.

But all these increased stats, upgrades and new ships doesn’t help the gameplay of just choosing locations and going there. This is by far the most boring game I’ve ever played, and the only positive I can come up with are that the graphics are nice, especially the ship models. But even then, you can only get a good look at these in the menu as ships are a tiny dot when playing. These are nice enough that they could be ported to other games, with some nice alien ships, the USS Discovery, and the Titan-A.

You do get one reward for sticking with the game: at a certain milestone, your ship and station is marked for permanent PvP. This means that you’re now at the mercy of those who have played the game for longer and those that have paid money to upgrade their stuff. It’s very much a Pay 2 Win game so this is something that, if you can last through the boredom to reach it, will likely make many people stop playing.

This game is probably the most boring game I’ve ever experienced.

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The story’s message was moronic. The whole thing of “letting go of revenge and grudges” is a little silly when you spent the last 30 hours killing everyone but the person responsible for your father’s death. Players actions are free and the combat is unparalleled but the story is moronic

its only fun when you're bo jackson

came back to this because the remaster put it in my mind. it's strange how there stands the groundwork for a stellar TPS, but the game wastes half it's playtime making the player walk down corridors and grab notes off of corpses. there's a comical amount of notes on corpses, like every other corpse. also fuck neil and fuck zionism.

duetted with fiance on supercalifragilisticexpialidocious <3

i do not support disney, bought from a thrift store to redo childhood memories w fiance :))

Well, here we are, the final game (not including lost legacy). And I gotta say it really is a bittersweet feeling.

Let's go into what I thought about the game and then I'll circle back to my overall thoughts of the franchise.

This game is technically, the best game of the series, however, i don't think it's my favourite. I really had to push myself through this one more than the others, but i think that could be to do with me playing them all back to back.

So let's start with the positive. This game is goddamn beautiful, like the past two games have been good looking but this one Oooooweeeee, this shit makin me feel some kinda way. The environments are all beautifully designed in all the levels which is great and all of the set-pieces both action and visual look fantastic. Speaking of set-pieces, this game has some of if not the best in the franchise, almost all of the action set-pieces were really fun and there are quite a few of them which is great and the visual set-pieces as stated are stunning, a few highlights being the volcano in Madagascar, Libertalia and Avery's hidden Ship. The Gunplay in this is easily the most fine-tuned and the least painful out of all the games which is great. The traversal is also the most fine-tuned of all the games which again is great, i loved the addition of the rope which had multiple different uses throughout the game both in traversal and combat which I really enjoyed. I am still in love with Nate and Elena who both continue to shine and show spectacular character growth through the game and I loved in the beginning and a small part at the end where we get to see all the relics from the previous games, felt very nostalgic despite me only having played them a few days ago. Oh and this has the best final boss fight out of all the games by farrrr, this final boss fight slaps unlike the previous games which all basically sucked and unlike the previous game this one has actual puzzles, granted for only like the first half of the game then they disappear but these puzzles were pretty good, made me feel smart and big brained when i worked them out.

Now then, onto the negative. The goddamn story again man, it's pretty weak and it overstays it's welcome by a hefty margin, this game being the longest in the series clocking in at around 18 hours and man you definitely feel those 18 hours. There are quite a few parts of the game which feel like they go on forever and you just want it to end already. Sam. I do not like Sam, at all. for multiple reasons.
1. My personal bias against people called Sam
2. He takes my precious boy Nate away from his happy suburban life
3. He's just an overall dick to basically everyone including Nate in the back half of the game
4. He a bad influence on my bb

Just a bad character that I don't understand how I was supposed to like, wish we could of left him for dead at the end. The melee combat has been toned down quite a lot from the last game which sucks because I love melee combat, there are still come cool melee stuff you can do but the game would really rather you use guns. but to be honest, these are kind of my only complaints, a pretty weak story and a less emphasised melee combat, other than that, this game kind of slaps. but I don't think it's my favourite...

These past 2 or so weeks have been a hell of a journey, these games have brought me some enjoyment in a pretty dark time in my life right now, but they have also pissed me off quite a lot and made me want to break something. But I gotta say, these characters man, especially Nathan Drake. Nate has become one of my favourite video game characters, I am in love with him. and seeing him progress and seeing his journey across these games has honestly felt really special, and seeing him happy with a happy life at the end of this game brought a massive smile to my face. And i think that's what i'm going to remember the most about these games, sure the action set-pieces in these games have been some amazing fun and the visual set-pieces have been near iconic, but these characters, seeing them interact and grow, that's what i'm going to miss, which is why I think the third game is my favourite, looking back on it I had the most fun with the third game than any of the others, the action was just iconic and while yes the story isn't the best and it does kind of erase a lot of the development from the second game. The journey Nate goes on in that game was one of the most investing character journey's I have played in a while.

so my final ranking of the Uncharted games goes as follows.

1. Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception
2. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
3. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
4. Uncharted: Drakes fortune

I will not be touching lost legacy for a while lol.

but after playing these it honestly has made me a bit more excited to see where the cinematic universe for this franchise can go. and as I say goodbye to this franchise for now I can say that I will miss it, but also thank fucking god it is over lol.

The community loves this game more than the developers ever did.

As a Legion main my favourite activity in this game was running around the map and managing to hook nobody.

I mean, was it worth waiting 5 years for?

Yes. Absolutely.

Holy shit, this is peak.

This took everything the last two games did, and just improved on it.


The story is so goddamn engaging throughout, don't get me wrong it's not perfect, I have a couple of nitpicks but honestly I can completely look past them for the final product because goddamn.

The gameplay is the best it's ever been, from the web swinging being fine tuned to perfection and even further with the added web wings which makes it so satisfying to just go from Point A to Point B, to all the brand new combat abilities that truly make you feel like an overpowered superhero.

The customisation is on point. When they first revealed pallet swapping I originally thought, that's neat I guess but I probably won't use it but holy shit the absolute upgrade some of these suits get from a good pallet swap goddamn. My only complaint with the suits is that too many of Peter's suits are taken up by Movie suits, which kinda sucks when Miles has so many custom made suits that look absolutely fire, just making me wish Peter had even more ones like those instead.

All of the new side missions are great and fun and do surprising little things to spruce up your gameplay experience and give you interactions with surprising characters throughout the city that you may not of even thought about during the main story.

All of the boss fights are fucking nuts with insane set pieces throughout that makes every single one of them memorable, a huge improvement on the last two games.

I honestly can not sing this game enough praise. Insomniac have gone above and beyond to make this one of if not the greatest superhero games ever made. Obviously it's not completely perfect like I said I do have a couple minor issues. But as a whole this is just, wow. The only thing I can think of that would truly improve it, is a goddamn NEW GAME PLUS! Please guys stop releasing games without it

Goddamn round of applause. I am so excited to see what these guys do with Wolverine.
And of course, Spider-Man 3 when?

I genuinely enjoy this game. People say the community is toxic - maybe I've just been lucky, but I've never had a bad experience in the in-game chat so far. Honestly, people barely even use the chat minus a rare "GG" thrown out afterwards (but it's more likely that people just quietly leave once the game's over); my one interaction that I can remember beyond that was a time all four of us in-game loaded in as Claudette, I typed "squadette", and one of the others said "holy fuck a squadette of claudettes", so that was all I needed. You will probably run into a bunch of campers, which can ruin the fun a bit when it's four games in a row of the killer hooking you and then just standing there until you die so no one can rescue you and you can't play, but in my personal experience it hasn't been toxic in the sense that anyone's saying anything to you.

The gameplay loop is lowkey addicting - repairing generators is an absolute pain in the ass while you're doing it because of how slooooooowly that bar goes up (though Killers say they repair too fast, so what do I know), but then I'll find myself sitting around thinking Man, I wish I was on DBD doing generators right now.

I personally don't find the game scary at all, including back when I was a massive wimp about horror, so I wouldn't recommend it if that's your main draw to it. It's tense in the way any sort of violent hide and seek would be, with you sneaking around and trying to avoid being seen by a killer, and there might be some yelling if you're playing with friends over mic, but I wouldn't call it scary per se.

The variety of characters is fun and keeps things relatively interesting - I have my favourites, as do most people, but I'll find myself playing most of them at least sometimes. They all come with unique personal perks, but you can always re-spec them once they're levelled enough for their perks to be in the general bloodweb and assign them to other characters if you'd prefer.

My only complaints are the rework they did to the wriggle mechanic when you're picked up by a killer (it used to be the same as normal skill checks, which was still challenging to meet the threshold to escape but doable, whereas now it's its own thing that means you're absolutely not going to ever be able to wriggle out of the killer's hold unless a) the hook is all the way across the map and b) you hit every single one of the checks without fail, and often not even then), and the fact that the cosmetics are so expensive. Loading times also tend to be pretty slow, it's not uncommon at all to be waiting 5 minutes for a lobby.

I'd definitely recommend to play it with friends - even just going into a public lobby with one or two friends can turn it from meh into a fun game with a lot of laughs and scares going on. I'll play it every so often by myself, and it's the only way I've played Killer, but all of the fun is in the group play for me.

I've found while teaching friends new to the game that it can be a little hard to pick up and learn at first - there's no tutorial, so unless you want to jump into a public game and learn as you go, I'd advise getting a friend who plays to get into a custom game with you as a killer and teach you the ropes that way instead.

It has great lore if that's something you're interested in - it's not gone into in much detail in-game beyond the TL;DR backstory pages and the tidpits you can glean from item/cosmetic descriptions, but if you dig into it out-of-game it's pretty interesting to learn about.

Also, Nicolas Cage is in the game as himself, which I have to reluctantly admit is quite funny.

Favourite Male Character: The Trickster
Favourite Female Character: Feng Min
First Character I Liked: Feng Min
Favourite Character Design: Repetitively, The Trickster
Favourite OST: TBA
Least Favourite Character: Ash