It made me smile and gave me quite a few chuckles. The dialogue and the cute cast of characters are great. It's fairly linear and doesn't require a whole lot of input from the player so don't go into it expecting that. Just enjoy the story and fun conversations.

Delightfully silly. Got a lot of laughs out of me.

Gameplay is your standard JRPG fare but it's cute and well written. Got a lot of laughs out of me.

It was really sweet, and made me want to be a dad.

I don't know why me not catching clams when they reach the ground makes the bachelor fall asleep so I can't kiss him.

I love this concept so much. And it's valuable as an educational tool for people who enjoy programming. Probably a bit advanced for a beginner though.
I just wish it wasn't so dull.

It is impossible to play this game and not smile.

The wii version is out of its god damn mind