968 reviews liked by OrangutanLover01

ENG: I'm not going to elaborate too much because it's not a game that deserves it. Its standardization of gameplay mechanics more similar to those of a generic Call of Duty were justly vilified at the time as much as its rancid humor. On that I agree. What I disagree on, which was said at the time, is the belief that this was REALLY the saga, a thing of the past that as of today is outdated. But no, Duke Nukem is not at all what is shown in Forever. Playably it was innovative, powerful, ingenious, and Duke Nukem as a character was a genuinely funny stereotype of 80s Hollywood action movies. Forever never seems to understand either the mechanics or the Duke character as such. If you played this horrifying piece of garbage, and were left with only this, I recommend you give the original a look. Because this is not Duke Nukem, never was and never will be.

ESP: No me voy a explayar mucho porque no es un juego que lo merezca. Su estandarización de mecánicas jugables más similares a las de un Call of Duty genérico fueron justamente vilipendiadas en su momento tanto como su humor rancio. En eso estoy de acuerdo. En lo que no estoy de acuerdo, que en su momento se dijo, es la creencia de que esto era REALMENTE la saga, una cosa del pasado que a día de hoy está desfasada. Pero no, Duke Nukem para nada es lo que se muestra en Forever. Jugablemente era innovador, potente, ingenioso, y Duke Nukem como personaje era un estereotipo genuinamente gracioso de las películas de acción hollywoodenses de los 80s. Forever nunca parece entender ni a las mecánicas, ni al personaje de Duke como tal. Si jugaste a este bodrio horripilante, y te quedaste solo con esto, te recomiendo que le des un vistazo al original. Porque esto no es Duke Nukem, nunca lo fue ni lo será.

They catfished me with Moxxi into playing this DLC.
I thought that maybe it would be more fun with other players but I was wrong. Literally put me to sleep. Just skip this DLC, will you?

Knoxx storyline was funny and Athena is a beautiful addition to the series. Crawmerax was lit.
It was nice seeing all those new enemies and new cars but got frustrated after trying to complete every quest because there are no fast travel points and you have to drive through the whole map. So much grind.
Still an okay DLC, even though my 'Completionist' achievement is bugged...

Best DLC of BL1. It is short but absolutely fun. Killing Claptraps was nice and the quests are rather enjoyable other than Tannis' quests. And finishing this DLC marks the end my BL1 journey. It was fun while it lasted but I don't think I will ever visit this game again, because I have BL2 ffs...



I get that it's meant to be a metaphor for being a refugee, i.e. an experience that sucks, but that's no excuse to make the game an experience that sucks too.

Confusing gameplay, paper-thin analogy, trite story, crap music and visuals.



What kind of weed did i hit?



I have no clue what this was or what it was about. A fun fact: even when I played it, it did not show up in Switch's play history, which makes it even more like a fever dream: did I even play it???

There was a charm to it, but it was an extremely brief experience. It's under an hour long. So it's hard to come up with things to say. I tend to like these bizarre kinda games so it wasent a total waste of time.

An OK bleach musou game, does plenty of things right and has a simple but satisfying combo juggling feature, but still somewhat basic and lacking in enemy variety, and gets pretty weak after the first playthrough even after unlocking every character

Simple and fun game with chibi characters. A side scroller beat'em up with the most of the anime cast, very easy to play and very easy to beat. Don't expect much.

This might be a really stiff, shallow fighting game held back both by the hardware as well as being released so early in the anime’s run that there wasn’t much material to base this on, but it also has the first Bleach OP so who’s to say this game is really that bad?