Bullet hell at its finest. There's not much else to say about this brilliant package.

This is a hidden gem in the Dreamcast library and a brilliant party game. The premise and wackiness mesh together quite well. The single player offerings are a good way to get to learn all the different aspects of the game, but the real meat of the game is within the free for all multiplayer. Definitely keep an eye out for this game if you're looking to expand your collection.

Another great NES title that I believe belongs in anyone's collection. Challenging, but not incredibly difficult as it's known for. Worth picking up if you're into platformers from the NES era.

While having a relatively smaller cast compared to some SNK fighters, the technical skill involved in playing creates a game that is easy to learn but difficult to master (in terms of fighting game standards). Definite fun time.

The peak of Samurai Shodown games. This is still the most competitively viable game in the series with an active community.

Full of character, mystery, witty writing, and comedy, the Ace Attorney trilogy offers a complete package. Each case offers a different kind of mystery (though they ARE all murder based...), new characters, and a great twist. With the exception of one case in Justice for All (the second game in the series), I would highly recommend the entire series to those interested in murder mysteries and visual novels.

Portal 2 expands on all that Portal 1 had to offer and adds whipped cream and a cherry on top. New mechanics to play with, an expanded narrative, new characters, and brilliant new puzzles. Again, an essential title for anyone's Steam library considering it's always on sale and worth the price.

Very enjoyable fighting game that still has an active, albeit small, community. Provides a little bit of everything for fans of Street Fighter and SNK games due to the character variety and "grooves" (different styles of play based on various games). Also the game has a bangin' soundtrack.

I mean... it's Minecraft. What more do I need to say? Creativity is your limit for enjoyment.