I enjoyed the introduced mechanics, however it's hard for me to bring myself to play this game over Borderlands 2. The writing tries to emulate the second game (and fails), despite the fact that the head writers for Borderlands 2 had left Gearbox. I also wasn't a fan of the subtle changes to the UI, however that's just me being nitpicky. It's still more enjoyable than the Pre-Sequel, but to me it just feels like "another Borderlands".

I remember when this game first came out and there were articles everywhere, but it's just... Trying too hard to be that kind of quirky "haha bad game" game that 2013 had an abundance of.

The original freeware version of the game, this is a must play. While very short, the compact game holds airtight gameplay, wonderful music, and a memorable experience overall. I just can't put the experience into many words, but this game is a must play.


A beautiful atmospheric adventure that delves into themes of depression and anxiety. GRIS may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's great for fans of games like Journey.

This game is a definition of its time, combining elements of urban culture, techno music, and modern Japanese aesthetics. Honestly this is just one of my favorite games of all time. The only complaint I would have is the controls can feel clunky at times, but it makes sense because you're on rollerskates and they're hard to move around in. A Dreamcast classic and a definite add to anyone's library.

Incredibly fun arcade title that has tons of extras added in the home versions. Fun to play in bursts, but when you play it's great fun to pass the time.


One of the definitive early highlights of narrative driven puzzle games that the 2010's spawned plenty of, LIMBO may seem like it's just another one of the bunch nowadays. Personally, I believe this is still a great game, however it may not have aged very well due to the kind of market it helped create. Some points in the game have you hanging in a lull, but its high points are definitely great.

A return to what made 2D Sonic great. This celebration of Sonic is a breath of fresh air when compared to recent entries.

This was the only Mega Man X game I truly played through, because the genius of its design captivated me so much. This is easily the definitive Mega Man I'd recommend to anyone who hasn't played any. There's plenty of replay value to be found in upgrades. The tutorial level alone, from an analysis standpoint, is a thing of beauty.


Phil Fish is well known for two things: Fez and being an ass. Which is quite a shame, considering Fez is a fantastic puzzle platformer that dabbles in the concept of perspective while transitioning between 2D planes that are all part of the same 3D space. It's a great collectathon that tickles your brain, and it's still worth a pickup today.

Great throwback to collectathon classics packaged in a quirky and enjoyable game.

It's not necessarily challenging, but the ability to import your own library of music is charming.

While this is one of my favorite games, it's easy to tell there are flaws in the game. Clever writing, crazy guns, expansive lore, vibrant performances and delivery, and memorable moments really breathe life into the world more than the first game. However, there are several points in the main story where you feel like you are just plowing to get through. The pacing may fluctuate throughout the game, but it's still thoroughly enjoyable and easily the best entry in the Borderlands franchise.

Quake III is a classic shooter with rich history. There's still an active player base if you look hard enough. Still feels very tight to play.

This is more than meets the eye, but even then it's not much. You can find some enjoyment messing around with this "live wallpaper" looking game, but it's hard to know what to do unless you mess around enough or look it up. Once you find out all the secrets, there's not much else to do.