Log Status






Time Played

20h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 25, 2023

First played

April 26, 2023

Platforms Played


i wish so badly that genshin had the level of writing this game has. not that star rail is a literary masterpiece, but it's infinitely more fun, the main character is actually likeable and not a mute stand-in for the player, and the dialogue doesn't treat the player like an elementary student

cool turn-based mechanics, too bad i suck at turn-based games

i was hyped for this, and played when it came out, but just a couple weeks in i was already thinking of dropping it. is it the fact that i've already invested so much time in genshin and don't want to spend time grinding in another hoyoverse game? are turn-based games not for me? guess i'll never know

also the game seems to be unexplainedly perfoming poorly in certain areas (mostly xianzhou), while genshin doesn't seem to have that issue despite being open world?