Even though EOS got announced before the game even released, I still wanted to play it for at least a couple months, but it just wasnt the same as the original SIF

Played and dropped it over so many years. This game was with me in so many phases of my life

Played this as a kid and would have liked to give it a shot now to see if I can complete it, unfortunately the game itself seems to be lost to time as I can't find any place to download it </3

it took me a few tries to get into this game, but once it gets going, boy does it get going. the rockstar team was very good at foreshadowing stuff, dropping subtle hints here and there. by the end i got so invested in the characters and their stories that even after completing the main story i can't drop it

my friend and i got stuck after our lantern ran out

stumbled on this on accident
it was... eh

surprisingly difficult, it's very hard trying to get into this game without knowing anything about if from the past

nothing will ever hit that nostalgia like the first game did, but this was pretty good as well

banger game from my childhood

back then my tolerance for bad games was so much higher it seems

however i can't deny that the designs for some of these characters resonated so so much with me as i was growing up and i find myself thinking about them even today

painfully mediocre, but it was free so i can't really compain

like its predecessor, i really like everything going on here but im not a fan of losing my progress so i'll stick to watching a playthrough

Really really interesting story

won't continue this since losing progress often is not something i personally enjoy playing, but everything else about the game has me hooked so i'll probably watch a playthrough