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this is important so i'm gonna lead with this: i do not care who you are. DO NOT TRY TO 100% THIS GAME. i spent a month of my life non-stop grinding for like three separate RNG achievements and i massively regret it. yes, this series is all about grinding and optimizing your bullshit but incorporating all items/ship parts into the platinum trophy was a monstrously stupid decision, and i feel like a complete moron for trying it anyway.

but other than that i really like this game. the humor's great, game mechanics are fun, and outside of those achievements i mentioned it's super fun to find out new ways to optimize damage. whether that be finding easier methods to grind or duping items, it feels like there's always some way you can get stronger. there's so much more to this game than just grinding an EXP map forever (even if you are doing that a lot)

still, i feel like this game is difficult to recommend. you can't really compare it to other strategy RPGs since grinding takes up so much of this game's appeal. this series has always prided itself on being a completionist's game for those who have no life - so if that's not you and you're just interested in the story or whatever, there's still stuff here but it's not as meaty.

seriously though. what were they thinking with this platinum?? this shit had me hunting for two hours for one singular ship part out of like 100. what the hell is wrong with me?