Really really impressive how they fully ported (yes there's a complete version) the entirety of the SNES's biggest launchiest title to the console that Nintendo was trying to get you to put in the closet so you could buy the new console, just so you could play this game
But that's about all it is, a pristine conversation piece that shouldn't exist but was birthed out of the ingenuity of emerging markets, much like Somari
You're not an underprivileged child in the eastern bloc or nations adjacent to China 25 years ago. so there's no reason to play this when you can play the real game, unless you're a shithog for bootlegs like me of course

The world began without knowledge, and without knowledge it will end. Dost this not ring clear and true?

it's the same Meaty-O's you know and love but without those wonderfully sensorial Masahiro & Michiko Sakurai menu aesthetics so I'm docking half a star
the reason that game was great was primarily due to its effortless sense of style, and without that it's just a little bit lesser

I like it and it made an enjoyable toilet journey on the Steam Deck but it didn't really need to exist, because if you've played Nightmare in Dream Land or Amazing Mirror, and you've played Kirby's Dream Land, you have implicitly already played this game
it's cool and it's faithful but you can extrapolate exactly what it is with no surprises

shmups knock me on my ass so hard, especially R-Type, this game is like performing brain surgery with an Etch-a-Sketch, but the colorful understated body horror theming has always kept this series a favorite in my mind
where Final and Final 2 succeed is in being an orgiastic pleasure of beautiful backgrounds, alternate paths, and a long list of unlockable ships getting progressively more overpowered with all the design variation and power disparity of a DBZ roster
as sirpospin says in their review, the checkpoint system is pretty flawed, taking all your powerups away is really punishing, but if you're a shmup person you are probably used to this (I am not)
also, support Granzella who made this game
for those who aren't familiar, ever since the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami took out all-time great studio Irem and got their then-upcoming games Disaster Report 4 and Steambot Chronicles 2 canceled
I always felt bad for them after that, and seeing them come back from the dead like a phoenix in the form of Granzella a few years later, remaking their canceled game, was cool enough that it makes me want to support them on principle
Granzella is a good developer you should buy their games and support them and their head Kazuma Kujo (well, even if this game has a billion level DLCs)

You're about to be mesmerized. It's here! It's wild! It's sweeping the planet! It's... "LACHIEMI!"

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This is a game about ponies.

It's a better Super Mario Bros 1 adaptation for Game Boy than Super Mario Land was, mainly because of the inertia to its play control

if the idea of GTA for the Game Boy Advance appeals to you, go play Payback instead

Three stages in I started to

If this game had a face I would punch it

An incredible ending that elevates the whole game

Don't let the title fool you, this game has more in common with a game of curling than it does Burnout, or perhaps one of those coin pusher arcade machines
It shares similarities in its "cause the most financial destruction by shooting a single object into a bunch of other objects" conceit as Sony's PSN-exclusive game "PAIN", but chooses to keep its humor more low-key and less late-2000s random
This game would have been a really good ticket game in the arcades, as in, a game that spits out the yellow tickets you use for the gift shop, or perhaps a phone game
But it's doomed to be abandoned on 7th gen PS3/XBLA shop, as yet another too-different offshoot of a previously thriving and currently dormant series

Unlike in the NES version, you can shoot the dog