There's something here for everyone, The community is mostly long time players who are sweaty and toxic so i avoid the pvp but that's fine, there's plenty more. I don't mind buying DLC's (think of it similar to an MMO) but there are some pretty wild things they do to try and get money from you which is a bit unfortunate. having played in year one i don't even mind that they removed that stuff because i understand the reasoning, but i understand why people might have a problem with it. the aforementioned community will tell you never to play it and that they hate it so much but if you just play normally and don't force yourself to play and devote your life to it you'll have fun i'm sure.

Not much to like here, atmosphere was ok. There's no actual fun/relaxation in the driving (it's actually slghtly infuriating) it just involves going a few metres slowly, avoiding obstacles, until you reach the next building/abandoned car to loot and then fast travelling to the next area of procedurally generated buildings that are copy pasted again. In theory if you wanted to avoid this tedium there are a good range of difficulty settings to remove damage, fuel etc (This removes your ability to unlock achievements if you care about that) but i believe you still have to loot for parts. Otherwise, the controls are strange but i think you can get used to it, can't comment on the story as i didn't stick with it for long but the voice acting seemed ok and finally, there are tons of bugs but i don't usually let it effect my ratings in the hopes they will be fixed over time as it is a new game.


Just add a difficulty slider... I tried playing solo with some cheats after everyone else had given up and it really just gets more and more stale, aside from smashing your head against the wall 59 times to complete one mission because you lose all your hours at death, the mission just get longer and more repetitive. Maybe they thought the "great atmosphere" (It wore off after the tutorial) wouldn't be the same without the threat of losing all your hours because of one mistake, but i believe that can be left up to the player(s)

Might write an essay on game devs ruining their quite literally perfect game by making the last area unecessarily frustrating, but for now this is just another one to add to the list. If you see a red circle appear on the enemy, the only thing you can do is guess and hope you get lucky. Also, anyone who decides Gank fights in any capacity are a good idea gets half a star automatically removed unfortunately

Idk, it's a nice game to kill time but i have never understood the gameplay loop of repeating the same 8 missions to unlock more stuff so you can... repeat the same 8 missions. chill enough that i might come back after a while but it got stale 28 hours in for me

While "Dark Souls with guns" is enough to vaguely describe it, it's more than that. The bosses, movement and world are where those comparisons lie which is good enough for a great game but theres also the reroll mechanic where each playthrough is different and houses a multitude of secrets, paired with different archetypes to level and builds to create, the 5 areas give so many hours of gameplay. It's probaby at it's best in co-op and it's very easy to join games with randoms but can definitely be played solo. Also the soundtrack :0

I've only played this game solo and the atmosphere is incredible, but in terms of investigation I only really started enjoying it once i had unlocked everything to tier 3 (+ some items like salt) and the items became somewhat helpful. This takes a long time grinding and is just incredibly frustrating until you reach that point (i just ended up cheating to gain enough levels quicker)


In the end game you will spend your time dying to numerous things that are completely out of your control, which is a shame because everything else deserved a 5/5.

Didn't blow me away but in fairness nor did the original. Boring with some decent horror moments but overall completely unnecessary remake with a ridiculously high price. Honestly rather buy and play Callisto Protocol.

I prefer more action based RE games and this is perfect with fluid combat and still being scary enough. I wasn't a fan of the backtracking through the same police station doing puzzles for hours in RE2 so this setting is really refreshing and more linear

Starts really well and was super invested but falls off drastically in the second half, still very pretty though

I don't share the nostalgia everyone has for the games this was based on so although the story is ok, juggling inventory slots and backtracking through the same areas constantly isn't for me and takes away from any atmosphere.

Also towards the end your map gets taken away for some parts and its somewhat unbearable in a game like this

An amazing story with philosophical themes that will stick with you forever (my dislike for the combat is stopping me from 5/5)

3rd best Fromsoft game after Sekiro and bloodborne, Still better than any other game not released by them :)

Dark Souls style combat is a given but the sense of adventure and worldbuilding you get is amazing with secrets, dungeons and sidequests in every corner and unlimited amounts of lore to discover and learn about

Gets hate for the combat but it actually worked well for me, paired with an interesting story and amazing graphics it's at least a solid horror adventure