My love for Alien universe lore is the only thing that really kept me going (it does handle that very well) but the gameplay is repetitive and gets boring pretty fast for such a short campaign, should be noted i played solo and maybe it's more fun with a group of friends

Literally the perfect game

The best horror game ever made. Terrifying and stressful but never unfair, graphics still hold up almost a decade later and the AI of the alien is the highlight of the game by far.

Deflecting just doesn't work properly and is completely random, tries to copy Sekiro but doesn't pull it off

Fun game but awful playerbase on both killer and survivior sides

Love all other Fromsoft games and i respect how much people love this one but its just aged terribly for me and is not enjoyable at all in 2023

Hugeeee Doctor Who fan so i was always going to buy this... D O N T its terrible

Gets hate for the combat but it actually worked well for me, paired with an interesting story and amazing graphics it's at least a solid horror adventure

3rd best Fromsoft game after Sekiro and bloodborne, Still better than any other game not released by them :)

Dark Souls style combat is a given but the sense of adventure and worldbuilding you get is amazing with secrets, dungeons and sidequests in every corner and unlimited amounts of lore to discover and learn about

An amazing story with philosophical themes that will stick with you forever (my dislike for the combat is stopping me from 5/5)

I don't share the nostalgia everyone has for the games this was based on so although the story is ok, juggling inventory slots and backtracking through the same areas constantly isn't for me and takes away from any atmosphere.

Also towards the end your map gets taken away for some parts and its somewhat unbearable in a game like this

Starts really well and was super invested but falls off drastically in the second half, still very pretty though

I prefer more action based RE games and this is perfect with fluid combat and still being scary enough. I wasn't a fan of the backtracking through the same police station doing puzzles for hours in RE2 so this setting is really refreshing and more linear

Didn't blow me away but in fairness nor did the original. Boring with some decent horror moments but overall completely unnecessary remake with a ridiculously high price. Honestly rather buy and play Callisto Protocol.


In the end game you will spend your time dying to numerous things that are completely out of your control, which is a shame because everything else deserved a 5/5.